I'm guessing you haven't heard the expression, build a barn before you paint it yet
In most breeds, the majority of points goes towards type, it's what truely distinguishes one breed from another.
Probably most discussion is on color because it is one of the easiest things to control. Genetic outcomes for color are reasonably predictable and steady, whereas type is not always something that will breed true.
I can't tell you how to get a good head a good shoulder or good fur, all I can say is know what it is, and breed for it. But color, if you want a certain color, I can give you a genetic kool aid mixing recipe to get it, so there is just a lot more to say. <br /><br /> __________ Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:08 am __________ <br /><br /> Bad type isn't even worth breeding, bad color can be worked on.