They get all the organic alfalfa pellets they want, but that's pretty low on their 'want' to eat list.
There's all kinds of forage pretty much all the time. Mulberry, ti leaf, bean leaves, banana leaves, elephant grass, assorted other grasses, moringa, pigeon pea, strawberry leaves, citrus leaves, etc. etc. All sorts of forages.
They get a big serving of whole wheat/BOSS/calf manna mixed together, heavy on the wheat. It's probably half wheat with a quarter calf manna/ quarter BOSS. The really like that stuff. Now that they're getting more into condition, they'll get a bit less of it. Lactating does get that almost free fed, though. Bucks get a handful but not much more than that. Growing babies get more than bucks. Adult non-bred does get a little bit but not much more than bucks. That's also served in a separate dish because if it's mixed in with their pellets, they just toss the pellets out to get to the BOSS/calf manna.
We had to switch to organic alfalfa since our litters had dropped to just about none and litter sizes were way down as well. After switching to organic earlier this year, the litters have started showing up again.