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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
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central arizona
Found three sore spots on a 5 week old kitt I treated with blue kote but tonight they are more pronounced. At first I thought mama had nipped him but now I am not sure.20141121_193735_belly_1.jpgAnyone ever see anything like this? He is normal otherwise. The other two kitts and mom have nothing like this. The sores are hard and one is indented in the middle and they're all about 5/8" in diameter. 20141121_193633_back_1.jpgIt doesn't look like ringworm, no blistering, but I thought I should ask for advice.
The center is indented and the edges are raised. It looks like its healing.there is no raw spot in the center the one on his back looks a little raw like mom has been licking it. When I put the Blue Kote on it he acted like it hurt or burned and he and mom both started to clean it off.
it don't sound like bot-fly larva but those things have fooled me before, give the wound a little squeeze and see if anything comes out. If it's just puss then some different kind of medication is going to be needed.
Brought bunny in to kitchen for the best light..started to mess with one of the sores on his belly, scab came loose and I removed it. it came off easily. There was a minimal amount of pussy substance on the underside of the scab. No puss in the wound.The one on his belly was not as indented as the one on his back. After looking him over good we found a small wound on his back about three or four inches from the large one. I think he is getting bitten....We googled bott fly and it is definitely not what we are looking at.I am still using blue kote should I be using something else? they groom themselves and each other almost constantly.so would be ingesting whatever I put on it.Thank you for replying. I really am stumped as to why the lesions are so large..
katiebear":3c69h9n8 said:
Brought bunny in to kitchen for the best light..started to mess with one of the sores on his belly, scab came loose and I removed it. it came off easily. There was a minimal amount of pussy substance on the underside of the scab. No puss in the wound.The one on his belly was not as indented as the one on his back. After looking him over good we found a small wound on his back about three or four inches from the large one. I think he is getting bitten....We googled bott fly and it is definitely not what we are looking at.I am still using blue kote should I be using something else? they groom themselves and each other almost constantly.so would be ingesting whatever I put on it.Thank you for replying. I really am stumped as to why the lesions are so large..

you may have to just put him in a different cage and see what happens. I use Vetericyn Hydro-gel it really works well on open wounds, it's more expensive but very well worth it.
I had thought about putting him in a separate cage also I don't think that the litter is fully weened though. I might do it anyway,but I was wanting to wait until they were at least 7 weeks old..
Can you get Vetericyn at Tractor Supply? I will be in the city later today and can pick some up. Also wanted to know if they can swallow it? because they will... :x
katiebear":278ng4zp said:
I had thought about putting him in a separate cage also I don't think that the litter is fully weened though. I might do it anyway,but I was wanting to wait until they were at least 7 weeks old..
Can you get Vetericyn at Tractor Supply? I will be in the city later today and can pick some up. Also wanted to know if they can swallow it? because they will... :x

hmm, well you can leave him in over night and bring him in in the morning or put kitten formula in his water hand have him with you all the time. I got mine at the vets you could ask their first then the tractor supply. :)
I don't use kitten formula for rabbits. I've had better luck with the concentrated goats milk, but at 5 weeks a kit should be well started on solid food.

Especially if you give old fashioned oatmeal and grass hay along with whatever other foods they get.

If you are giving milk or formula, be careful to not let it sit out at room temperature. The stuff spoils easily.
At three weeks they started on pellets , oatmeal ,BOSS all the grass hay they can eat.
Just checked mom and she seems dry so I am going to remove the litter to the grow out pen and see what happens.They are meat buns so I am not going to pay the 100 bucks to the vet...will cull if necessary but I don't think it will be.
katiebear":3mp4d4bf said:
Found three sore spots on a 5 week old kitt I treated with blue kote but tonight they are more pronounced.
katiebear":3mp4d4bf said:
It doesn't look like ringworm, no blistering, but I thought I should ask for advice.

How long have you been treating with Blu-kote? I ask because in the second picture, the spot is very round, and has what appears to be new hair growth. Was that spot pretty bald before the Blu-kote?

If so, I think it is indeed ringworm and the Blu-Kote is working... however, the moist looking wound in the first picture has me stumped- I have never seen ringworm cause that, but maybe the rabbit injured the skin by scratching excessively, so that is "collateral damage"? :? Then again, I have never seen ringworm cause blistering either, so maybe some varieties are more aggressive than others.

katiebear":3mp4d4bf said:
I am still using blue kote should I be using something else? they groom themselves and each other almost constantly.so would be ingesting whatever I put on it.

Text below is copied form another thread discussing "wet dewlap" which is another fungus that causes problems (link below):

Blu-kote is not intended for use on horses that are used for food. However, looking up the ingredients, I find no reason for this.

The active ingredients are Sodium Propionate 9.1%, which is a common food additive because it inhibits the growth of mold:

http://www.livestrong.com/article/50104 ... ropionate/

Gentian Violet 1%, which is used by nursing mothers for thrush (fungal) infection of the nipples, and is even applied to infants tongues if they have thrush. In large amounts fed to mice and rats it is a carcinogen.

http://www.nbci.ca/index.php?option=com ... &Itemid=17

Acriflavine 0.15%, which is a topical antiseptic and is used to treat fungal infections in fish. It has been shown to have anti-cancer effects.

Acriflavine has been shown to have anti-cancer activity by inhibition of HIF-1 which prevents blood vessels growing to supply tumors with blood and interferes with glucose uptake and use.


You can also use Nu-Stock, which contains sulfur and is effective against fungus.

Vinegar will change the Ph of the skin so it is unfavorable for fungus.

Only a couple of days with the blue kote..The hair never fell out...it started out as just a small wound. It's the rounded edge that has me confused...I will try the nu stock...But will have to wait until Tuesday when the local feed store is open..until then it will have to be blue kote. He isn't acting itchy. Maybe he is just healing weird.The two on the belly are scabbed over so he is healing...The two litter mates and mom show no signs of this either.
katiebear":3h1jezm3 said:
The hair never fell out...it started out as just a small wound.

Hmm. Well there appears to be a border of about 1/8th inch of hairless skin there now.

katiebear":3h1jezm3 said:
I will try the nu stock...But will have to wait until Tuesday when the local feed store is open.

Nu-Stock and Blu-Kote are both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, and the labels on both products caution against ingesting them. Most animals don't want to lick the Nu-Stock though, because of the sulfur. I have both products and use them interchangeably, because they do essentially the same thing. The Blu-kote is nice for wounds that would be painful if touched or are in areas that the Nu-Stock ointment ointment would get rubbed off easily.

I would recommend getting Vetericyn (the gel form is great!) because it will help treat other things, and you can safely use it in eyes as well.

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