We had a dry spell and it spoiled us! We cut the grass and some patches of clover dried and died to the dirt. But...then it started with small bouts of rain and now the weeds have literally exploded! Luckily, we have far less than last year, when we had no mower and all of it, all 4.5 pasture acres was 3-5ft weeds! This year, the grass is thick now, but the weeds are just 2-2.5ft tall.
Our push mower is messed up, need to dump the oil and gas, then refill it a little and see how it does. Our riding mower, tiny and very, very dangerous to use on our hills, also got into some trouble. A bar came off, after we ordered new parts and they came in, fiance found them out in pasture!!! But, now that mower also is a little off...fiance, Kyle, scared me off from using it since and the weeds took over. He said it shook and had an odd noise. I'm always paranoid about mowers blowing up or flipping and maiming me, killing is fine, its the horrid maiming I fear!
But, I mowed with the riding mower last Fall, I remember most of the rock locations and the hill patterns I must use not to risk flipping too much. I need Kyle to make the mowers 'safe' again before I use them...>.<
A storm popped up and I decided to wait to spray the rabbits until morning. Let Bella out and watched her play with Pup. Last time, I had a loose rabbit kit and she killed it, so I'm even more careful. Everyone was locked up, but she has never see the pigs until today. Their half-A**ed pen wall both could of crossed, had to keep her away. Don't need her killing them or letting Kyle know about them just yet!
My Mom, dad and sister came over today to celebrate my Bday a day early. Went out to see the new farm family members and everyone went "omg ooooooo awwwwwww me wants!!!!!" =D
They are real cute...cute and ugly, but more cute than Bella the Bulldog. =D [[do we have an 'evil grin' smiley??
I sold some cucumbers, tomatoes and green peppers to my sister. 2dz eggs to my mom and the other 2dz to my sister. My 9 hens seem to be on strike this year. I get anywhere from 0 to 3 eggs a day, lol. Technically, I'm ok with it, I used to have way too many eggs. Now it's a manageable amount for both. We don't eat eggs here, banty[mini chicken] eggs go to the pets/livestock, veggies go to pets/livestock/fish. I don't like dealing with strangers, I don't want them all over my property. Our farm, er house, is right up against the busy highway/road. It's a little too close for comfort and people just go on and on with pointless questions. None ever research anything! I hate repeating myself, do the research or piss off dang it!
Anyway, I'm rambling, had a shot or two of 'truth serum'. =D
Oh, and I always get Bulekote on me. =D Lost the spray bottle I bought, got a new, dabbing bottle and it makes a bigger mess. But I don't mind.