What is the most popular breed to be raised for meat?

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I've heard the regular/bigger Rex be called the Standard Rex before
Alaska Satin is correct, people use the word Standard to differentiate between Rex and Mini Rex but it is not a correct term for the full size Rex Rabbit. Some breeders get pretty agitated when people refer to Rex as Standard Rex. Lol some also say Rex, not Mini-Rex, to differentiate so there is that too! :)
There really isn't a "standard rex." In the U.S., there are Rex and Mini Rex. :)
I think some people stick the word standard on the Rex to distinguish them from the Minis...? Not really necessary, though.
There is also a new breed in development called a Velveteen Lop, which is like a small English Lop in rex fur. Pretty cute.
View attachment 38857
I have one but it's called a Mini Plush Lop.
I have one but it's called a Mini Plush Lop.
Mini Plush Lops aren't quite the same thing as Velveteen Lops.

Velveteen Lops are being developed under an ARBA COD ("Certificate of Development") with the goal of having them recognized in the SOP (Standard of Perfection). Velveteens, like English Lops, have long ears (minimum 14" from tip to tip) and a mandolin/semi-arch body type. They're more of a medium-weight breed, 5 to 6-1/2 lbs as adults. They are being shown only as Solids: Agouti, Pointed White, Self, Shaded, Ticked, Wide Band.
Here's an image from the ARBA working standard https://arba.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/2019VelveteenLopWorkingStandard.pdf

Mini Plush Lops are recognized in Europe (called European Plush Lops), and are being bred here, but are not yet under an ARBA COD. They look a bit like a mini-rex-coated Holland Lop, although they are somewhat distinct from both of those breeds. Similar in size to Hollands, Mini Plush Lops are usually between 2.5 - 4.5lbs, but the body type isn't as bulldoggy as the Holland, and the ears are often a little longer, but nowhere near as long as the Velveteen's. The coat also seems to be a bit longer than our typical rex breeds and may even be a rollback type coat. Since they are not confined by a recognized standard, you'll find them in pretty much all colors and patterns.

These websites have some good information on them:
https://www.shadygroverabbitry.com/our-dwarf-breeds.html About Mini Plush Lops - Ellie's Rabbitry
Here's an image from that second site:
Mini Plush Lop.jpg
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