What Hay to Use?

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
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I am going to feed my rabbits either sprouted barley or wheat fodder (whichever I can get easier). Should I feed some alfalfa hay in addition to timothy, so they get enough protein? Or will there be enough protein in the sprouted fodder? I am also going to feed as much garden scraps as possible, plus BOSS.

Also, these are angora rabbits.
I give them alfalfa and timothy and it works great for my rabbits.

I think there should be enough protein in sprouted fodder. I usually feed my rabbits grass hay and that works good too.

Garden scraps are good but make sure it isn't to much or they could get sick.
I have heard that alfalfa can be problematic in angoras if/when they develop wool block, as it gets caught in the wool and begins to ferment. However, a quick search of Betty Chu's site indicates that she feeds it:


If you have time (LOTS of time!), take a look at this thread:


Enter "protein" in the search engine when you click on the above link, and you will see a couple of posts regarding protein content.