If he produced opal with a blue doe, you know he carries agouti <A>. But he also produced blues, so he must also carry <a> making him <Aa>. I'm not sure what "Black Agouti" is but if you mean Self chinchilla, that's another clue he caries <a>.
No data on black <B> or chocolate <b> since both does he's bred had at least one <B> which would dominate <b> even if he was homozygous for it.
He produced opal and chestnut so he carries <C> to override the chinchilla <chd> from the chin doe. But at the other locus he could be anything.
If he produced blues, you know for sure that he carries dilute since it takes <d> from each parent to make blue. Since all offspring from the blue doe was opal or blue, you can hypothesize he's <dd> but like SableSteel points out, that is a pretty small sample to be sure.
No broken offspring so he's most likely <en en>.
And he's BEW so he's <v v >.
This suggests he is Aa _ _ C_ ?d _ _ enen vv
Bred with a black VM doe of unknown heritage I'd expect chestnuts, blacks, and BEWs. If she carries <d> too, you could also get opals and blues.
If they both happen to carry chocolate there's a chance of amber, chocolate, lynx or lilac.
There's also that C locus wildcard; both parents are <C_>; depending on what they carry at the second place you could get chins, cals or REWs.