What feed do you use?

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
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Western Michigan
We use(d) Manna Pro Select serried Pro Formula but now our current rabbits Lovey and Softfall won't eat it. So we are going to havering switch to the feed they are used to, Purina Complete Natural Advantage. Since I know nothing about this feed I wanted to ask you guys what you think of it and ask what feed do you use?
We use(d) Manna Pro Select serried Pro Formula but now our current rabbits Lovey and Softfall won't eat it. So we are going to be having switch to the feed they are used to

I really dislike most brand name rabbit food, as most of them switch/ change the feed ingredients, dependent on what is cheeper, that month or quarter. We, feeding our rabbits see the feed rejection, or symptoms that look like GI trouble and ASSUME the problem is with our rabbits or ourselves. When in reality it is a feed change that caused the trouble-- The feed companys never change the label to reflect the change in ingredients, and-- they ASSUME that because the "nutrient values " didn't change {ie= 16% protein} that they don't need to.
--I used Blue Seal rabbit feed over Nutrina, Purina, and Mana pro, just because they have a "dedicated formula" and the feed ingredients, and ingredient ratios, do not change between batches.
I once had a huge problem on my farm with "sick", and "off feed" animals, -I checked the feed and-- it did smell different, - I finally found out that "Tomato by-product" was extreemly cheep that quarter -- and the Nutrina feed company had used a bunch of it in the feed rations-- --the sudden change in feed, as well as all the tomato had caused the problem.I contacted Purina, to see if changing feed would help-- and found that they had done the same thing, --

I am sure this did not help you much, -- but the point is-- there may be unseen reasons why animals go "off feed"-- other then disease, or just being "moody"- or "spoiled"
I have been using Mana Pro Select since I first started with rabbits but intend to change as soon as my current supply is exhausted as recently its contained a LOT of whole kernel corn and an overwhelming sweet smell , like they overdid it with the molasses.

I found a supplier for Lone Star feed which is 18% protein as compared to MPS being only 16% and at ~$3.25 less per 50lb bag @ $14.50 instead of $17.75 .... and this supplier is about half as far to drive.
Ramjet":2un9v3iw said:
I have been using Mana Pro Select since I first started with rabbits but intend to change as soon as my current supply is exhausted as recently its contained a LOT of whole kernel corn and an overwhelming sweet smell , like they overdid it with the molasses.

I noticed that too. TSC has a hard time keeping supplies of MP, as if they are having a hard time getting it from the distributor. I have to keep switching, because TSC is the only place I can really get food. And they only carry MP, their brand and Purina. I don't know what I'm doing now, but no one has died yet, so I will feed whatever I get my hands on.
skysthelimit":h075xivx said:
Ramjet":h075xivx said:
I have been using Mana Pro Select since I first started with rabbits but intend to change as soon as my current supply is exhausted as recently its contained a LOT of whole kernel corn and an overwhelming sweet smell , like they overdid it with the molasses.

I noticed that too. TSC has a hard time keeping supplies of MP, as if they are having a hard time getting it from the distributor. I have to keep switching, because TSC is the only place I can really get food. And they only carry MP, their brand and Purina. I don't know what I'm doing now, but no one has died yet, so I will feed whatever I get my hands on.

I'm on my last bag of Mana Pro .... I mentioned a strong molasses smell in the above post. Well , in this bag there are "chunks" of a red powdery substance that smells of molasses , its like it wasn't mixed well and parts weren't pelletized .... When I saw that I just chunked the bag in the trash. Done with it. Wont buy another bag of that stuff. Between the whole kernel corn and now this stuff .... Seems their quality control is out of control , just not a good product.
When I first got rabbits I bought the cheap 25 lb bags from walmart. After a couple of years I switched to Purina Complete from TSC just because I thought it would be a better feed. About 8 months ago, I switched to Mana Pro Pro formula and Gro formula. I have no complaints about it. Main reason I switched was TSC was out of Purina Complete too often. I feed the Gro formula to My breeding Does and kits, everyone else gets the pro formula. Honestly I haven't noticed any problems with any of our rabbits on any of the feeds I mentioned. I know some have experience issues regarding quality control, but I have not. I've felt they were all consistent. I haven't noticed any changes in the feeds. I go through about 125 lbs of feed a month.
The Feed companys make feed at a lot of different locations [plants] around the country, each plant has its own quality control, some locations are wonderful [I had no problems with manapro, or Dumor, from TSC in N. Florida].[but liked Blue Seal the best]
-- But in other parts of the country- I have had big problems with Manapro, -- and when in California, I had big problems with all of the big brands, because Tomato pulp , and other "waste products" were so cheep in the fall and winter.. The bigest problem I have had in most areas was old feed, --if the feed has bugs-- it is old, and probly has mold issues. I try to make sure [if I am buying pellets] that they are fresh.
I bought the Purina Complete at TSC last night and they are eating fine now so it was just that they didn't like the Manna Pro. I have seen Blue Seal but not at any stores near us and it's pretty expensive. I have not had a problem with Manna Pro except that I sometimes have to break up really long pieces for my Dutchies but now with the SF I don't have to. However, since they won't eat the Manna Pro I bought Purina Complete which seems to me to smell better with more solid pellets and better quality. It does say it has ground corn in it but I've never seen whole corn in either brand. Is ground corn a problem?
I try to avoid any feed with corn in it, due to the risk of mold, which has been the source of Purina recalls in dog food for in the past years. Now Walmart won't ship small World, which is essentially Manna Pro, and TSC can't be relied on to stock MP, with a choice between Purina and TSC brand, I have no choice but to feed Purina. As far as I can tell, my rabbits will eat anything. I'll add some old fashion oats to ease the transition.
I feed Nutreena, the Country Feeds sub brand. It's what my feed store sells and anything else is a 45 minute one way drive that I don't want to make every week so, my critters eat what the feed store sells.
Anyone have any experience with the Orscheln brand? It's called Country Lane, and is 16 %. 40lbs for 11.99. It's what is cheapest and most convenient for me, as Orscheln is only about 5 miles from here. Anything else is a 25 minute drive (TSC) or 45 min (small feed store that has 5 or 6 different brands to choose from)
The only close source of feed that doesn't have those stupid fillers and seeds is TSC, which only carries MP, Purina, and TSC brand. TSC brand only has a 50 lbs. bag which is WAY to much for a doe with a litter on the way and a buck to eat. And since my rabbits don't like MP, that leaves only Purina. I wish I could get a better feed but unfortunately those are my only options. :(
The only close source of feed that doesn't have those stupid fillers and seeds is TSC, which only carries MP, Purina, and TSC brand. TSC brand only has a 50 lbs. bag which is WAY to much for a doe with a litter on the way and a buck to eat. And since my rabbits don't like MP, that leaves only Purina. I wish I could get a better feed but unfortunately those are my only options
--TSC stores usually carry DuMor rabbit pellets, -- I thought it was a good feed
I have used Purina Show and never had any problems with it, but then switched to Manna Pro because I'm not a big fan of Purina pet foods.

The Manna Pro was okay for a while, but then started having corn in it. I called the company and the rep said it was likely manufactured after a run of deer feed and the equipment wasn't cleaned properly. They sent me several coupons for $5 off their products. I tried again a couple of months later, and still found corn. It was then that I started feeding a grain mix instead of pellets.

I have recently gone back to pellets because I wasn't getting the growth I wanted on a grain/hay/weed diet. It is a regional feed made by a company called Templeton and is what most show breeders in northern CA feed. I found out about it from my friend who breeds Satins.

She or I had been making the drive to Templeton (about 3 1/2 hours each way for me) to pick up 50 bags at a time for $11 each, but we have now arranged to meet their driver off of I5 every six weeks or so and pay $12 per bag. It costs us a bit more even factoring gas savings, but at least it doesn't eat up a whole day to get it.
michaels4gardens":1q5vnq6a said:
--TSC stores usually carry DuMor rabbit pellets, -- I thought it was a good feed

That must be regional, I've never seen those in the 4 TSC within 65 miles of me.
michaels4gardens":3kzb2ex4 said:
I supose it might be regional, -- but-- here is the TSC link http://www.tractorsupply.com/content_landing-page_dumor

Oh, they have the alfalfa horse pellets, but my rabbits won't eat those. That sure would cut my feed bill down if they did. They don't have the seminole wellness sr horse feed Frosted Rabbit feeds either, I'd love to fee that stuff.
skysthelimit":34o8u74s said:
They don't have the seminole wellness sr horse feed Frosted Rabbit feeds either, I'd love to fee that stuff.

Is Frosted using that as a supplement or a sole feed?

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