What does a bunny cost to buy?

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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So.. how much does a bunny cost where you are?

Does it matter with age or so?

Now I'm just thinking a regular rabbit, with or without a pedigree. Not someone shown with a really good result (I wouldn't know what they cost here :lol: )

My Svensk Päls was 40 USD each but then I got 3 for the price of 2. (so 80 usd for 3) With official pedigrees/papers and ''gene bank'' papers. It's a rare breed (only 40-50 breeding animals left) so it has a gene bank registry. I did make it clear that I wouldn't breed with papers, I'm not showing and if you don't show the parents and are a member of the association you may not write paperworks. They were 6-7 months old.

My New Zealand red was 48 usd and the french lop had the same price, but as I got them together I got a "camper" to bring home and a bag of feed for the 96usd. Pure breds but no papers. 8-9 weeks.

Other people I've asked wanted 55 usd at the most, both purebreds with and without papers and crosses. 40 USD seems to be the norm for any type of breeding stock rabbit.

Some pet breeders ask up to 100usd for their rabbits, even mixed ones and most without papers. I have never heard of anyone actually buying for that price though.. around 40-60 seems more normal for pets. Zoo-stores ask about 55-60 usd for a mixed pet (that of course always is a mini that grows up to 12 lb :roll: )

So.. what's the price of a rabbit in your area?
I sell my mix breeds for $15, Purebred for $25. and purebred with pedigree for $40. So far the niceness are selling best as pets.
We bought our stock for $10 each. They are from 2 different lines and have good structure. We bought them from a lady that breeds and then sells off a certain number to pay for supplies. She is local. No papers, no info on pedigrees. Since we are raising for meat, that isn't a problem.
You make me wish I lived across the pond :p Oh well, getting the first stock isn't the biggest cost..
I sell non-pedigreed 100% New Zealands of breeding age for $20, pedigreed for $30. I have bought pedigreed stock from $25 to $40. I sell the youngsters (16 weeks and under) for a bit less.
$0 to $500 and that's still not shown yet. It all depends on the name the breeder has made for themselves, the breed of the rabbit, the quality of the rabbit...
Around here, Silver Fox and Champagne d'Argents that I've bought cost me 40-60 dollars each, sometimes I also have to pay transport. I've bought some really nice Californian/NZW crosses for 15 or 20 each. My Flemish without papers were 35-50. With peds from a good breeder, they are 100 or more.

__________ Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:49 pm __________
I have Creme d'Arguments, New Zealand Whites and Californians all without pedigree I sell for $25. We have a variety of mutts we sell for $15.
My Rex and Florida Whites both averaged $120CAD per trio and since I seem to be incapable of coming home with less than a trio it adds up. :)
Prices are all over the map here.

Free Craigslist bunnies, $10 Craigslist bunnies. $25 Angora crosses, $40 angora doe, $75 Angora buck (granded and proven) $40 Holland, $65 Holland, 2 for $15 Holland does, $40 Jersey Wooly, $100 whole family of wollys, $25 Mini Rex, $60 Silver Fox, $85 Rex doe, $65 Rex doe, $40 Rex buck, $25 Rex buck and free Rex buck.
Yeah to be fair the prices I quoted are for cheap, questionable mutts. My nice, pedigree'd Champagnes were between $25 and $60 apiece. TOTALLY worth it though!
My Mini rex was $40 from a rabbit show, my rex was free(land lord told them to get rid of her), my female lionhead was free(owner didn't want to care for her over winter), my male lionhead was $15, my FLOP x NZD where $10 each, my mini lop was $20 spca's adoption fee and my rex type mutt was free as well(his parents where brothers lol).

Petshops sell them for $70 each, but most breeders sell for $40-50.
We bought a doe and buck for $20 each and a doe from another breeder for $20. All had been proven. No pedigree.
With Mini Lops, be ready to pay $50 & up for nice stock. The most I've paid so far is $200,but it's not unheard of to pay $500 for a super nice buck or brood doe (Saw one going for $400 during convention!) that's thrown multiple winners and had a nice career. There are certain breeders with my breed that you will get results without question with their rabbits. The price doesn't always reflect quality, but you just need to know where to buy from :)
I did recently sell a chocolate Silver Fox kit for 80 dollars. I kept the one I wanted and sold the other. I can't find any around here to buy, so when I need a buck I will have to get it transported to me. That is gonna be spendy.

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