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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
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So...I'm thinking about starting some rabbit hopping classes in order to generate a small amount of income, and to give kids/adults/4-Hers an oppurtunity to actually train their rabbits in this wonderful sport.

Both of my local county fairs have these competitions, but I'm seriously thee only one with a properly trained rabbit, who has actually had time & experience on a jumping course, so I figure that I will probably be able to get quite a few handlers who actually want to learn how to train & compete with their rabbits.

I see many good things coming from this - one, is that we'd actually be able to form a rabbit hopping club in lower Western WA with a good member base, and two - we'd be able to hold competitions (of which people could come from Oregon, etc. up to compete), and of course then kids would have actual properly trained rabbits.

I was thinking of having a 6-week course, two 1-hour lessons a week, which cover everything from ground work, harness work, handling, up to jumping, reading body language, bonding, etc. I would ask a small fee of $5 for the entire 6 week course, which includes a completion certificate at the end, stating so and so and their rabbit so and so has completed the 6 week training course, and is jumping at least 6 inches (beginner class level).

I would allow 6 to 10 openings per course...and probably have 2 to 4 courses a year, depending on how popular it was, etc. That would be about $30 to $50 just from training fees, not to mention, the fee will cover membership into the club (non-official yet - Blue Camas Rabbit Hopping Club). All breeds & genders of rabbit will be welcome.

What do you all think of this? I'm planning on having the classes start in late Sept./early Oct. and end in late Oct/early Nov. but the times & dates (currently 3 to 4pm) might change if I get a job.

Any questions? Tips? Suggestions? Comments?

P.S. I'm not sure how many of you here are familiar with rabbit hopping/agility, so feel free to ask away!! :)
Okay so I just had to google Rabbit hopping. I love it! I would take the class in a heart beat. I have never heard of such a thing. How fun for everyone.

I wish you were in Nebraska! What kind of harness do you recomed? Maybe you could put the classes on video or write up a book or at least pamphlets.
I have adopted two rabbits our to rabbit agility homes- I think it's a great idea .. I should get my big nzw going .. wish I had more time ;)
I'll take your class! And honestly, super cheap! I think you could get away with asking $8 or $10 at least.

When you get some of the logistics going, pm me and I'll help you generate some marketing ideas. That's my bag, baby!
Well, how about that! I never heard of rabbit show jumping before! I love it! :)

(I don't exactly live nearby, though, so I don't think we'll make it to your class... but maybe I'll look into it locally!)
Oh, too bad I am moving! spookies daughter, Pouf, is very racy looking and when she runs around the house, she is simply amazing. I think she may do well in something like that! I wonder if they have something like that in eastern oregon!

How do you train for that?
Leanne - I recommend an H style harness. ;) It's the best for rabbits, adjustable, comfortable, and doesn't harm them like most harnesses do. If you're planning on getting into rabbit hopping, a 6 to 8 foot leash is the best option as far as leashes go. ;) Make sure it's one of the really light weight ones (like for small dogs :p) I was going to begin an online rabbit hopping training thing... I should start that back up sometime. ;)

Brody - That's awesome! :) I'm sure that in the future (maybe..10 years?) there will be a whole new market of rabbits - just for agility/jumping purposes! Usually rabbits who are born to two hoppers, go on to be exceptional hoppers themselves. ;)

Dee - Alright! :) Haha. That makes two so far! I'm going to be charging $10 now, with a 50% discount on the first 4/5 to reserve a spot in the class before a certain date. I'm still working out the kinks, but yes, I will definitely let you know once I get some more details! Marketing will be a big help! :)

Miss M - :) I'm surprised! I thought more of you knew about it! lol. It's definitely a very cool sport. :)

Shara - I think they might have something like that in Eastern Oregon...not sure. I know that the president of the Rabbit Hopping Club of America (something like that...) lives in Oregon. There are Yahoo groups that could help you find out local clubs, training tips, etc. etc. ;)

Usually training begins with groundwork - starting out with getting the rabbit used to a harness, and getting them used to slight tugs so they know which directions to go, etc. You also begin with ground poles, getting them to walk over these, and once they get the idea, you can begin putting down small 1-2" jumps, and having them hop over them. It depends on the rabbit, but some will take to it very easily, and some take longer to get it down.

I'll use this thread for more information, etc. on my classes/training tips, once everything starts taking more shape. ;)
I actually already have a leash. it came with a cage I bought.
AND, I just may have the rabbits to do it! have a couple little acrobat New Z's over here :)
Thank you! I have a "lupine step harness" It works ok as far as the bun is concerned but I think he could back out of it if he wanted too.
Wow, I have never heard of such a thing either! we are to the north of you, probably too far for the class, but maybe not too far for the competitions. I have homeschooled kids who might like another activity...hitting google now!
Em, my cal's and new z's are escape artists. They climb or jump over my 3ft play yards! good jummpers. I may have a some competitors :)

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