what do i need for new rabbit

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Dec 16, 2012
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so my Mini Lop (Holland in the USA) is due to arrive in the next 2-3 weeks
I haven't had a rabbit for 20 or so year and then i was a kid so cant really remember much
so what do I need and whats not needed (the things the shops what you do buy that are not useful)

Hunch is on its way once it arrives I will cover the wire with fly-screen
getting one like this should I put wire on the bottom also (to stop cat/foxes/dogs ect)

will also get one of these for moving around the yard

need to get water bottles (x3-4?), hay holders, feed bowls, litter tray
hay, bedding, maybe a harness? ect

I've got an old wire cage what I'm going make rabbit friendly for an indoor cages for when its too hot or cold too

is there anything else that i need
Wow, that is a nice looking hutch! :p

The only recomendation I had was that you might want to construct a sort of top on the pen you are going to be moving around. Where I live there a lot of hawks and other large birds and I always feel better with a top on the one I move around.
It would probably be a good idea to put a floor on your hutch. Not only to keep things out, but to keep rabbits in. :) I did not have a sufficent floor on my pen and all my buns ended getting out once. Talk about hetic! :x I had bunnies hiding in with our tomatoes and their fur was green for awhile because of the leaves! :lol:

That is all I can think of. Looks like you have a wonderful new home for you rabbit!
Do you know what kind of predators? I'd put up many strands of hot wire around the hutch and have the rabbit in the mobile pen only when you can be there and watch. Put the hot fence on solar and then you can move the hutch around as well.

Actually, since there is so much wood, you can screw the insulators right to the hutch corners and put the wire on them, use a handle and make your own gate areas to clean.

I would have water in the hutch in a corner out of wind and then the other water in one of the corners not under the hutch so it stays clean. Food would also be best in the hutch out of wind/rain area.
Might want to put wheels on the back two corners of the hutch or it might be a pain to move.
If you expect to let it run around in the house, you would want some wire protectors. My rabbits have chewed TV and computer cords.
I love the hutch. Don't forget to pick up the food that your pet will be eating ahead of time. Plus, remember to get a bit of the food it is on from the breeder so that you can transition your bunny to its new food slowly.

I can't wait till summer when the bunz can run in the back yard during the day while we are outside. I need to purchase a hexpen for in my house as well to protect my cords and such. One of our bunz ate my husbands X Box controller. He was not a happy man and neither was I since they cost so much to replace. :(

And a huge congratulations on your new pet Holland Lop. I am sure you will love having bunnies back in your life. :D
Thank you for all your tips
ChickiesnBunnies":1xobd8v2 said:
Do you know what kind of predators
not a great deal of them (but a few steps to next door they have chickens wandering around all day)
so maybe foxes/cats of a night?
we also have a cat she shouldn't be too bad she was good with a ferret when we had him (he ran away:()
but she sometimes brings home wild bunnies

Heritage Homestead":1xobd8v2 said:
It would probably be a good idea to put a floor on your hutch. Not only to keep things out, but to keep rabbits in.

what size wire to you recommend?
size wire on the bottom of the hutch...I'd do 1 x 2. that way bunny can nibble the grass but won't get a foot caught and Cannot dig out. :)
MiniLopNewbie":3hdjishk said:
we also have a cat she shouldn't be too bad but she sometimes brings home wild bunnies

We have a whole "herd" of barn cats, and they are excellent hunters of squirrels, gophers, and wild rabbits.

However, I had several occasions earlier this year where I had escapee rabbits, and the cats did not bother them at all. :)

I believe that domestic rabbits have a confidence and lack of fear that wild rabbits do not, and that they do not trigger the prey drive as quickly as a wild rabbit would.
We used 1" x 1/2" because that is all we had (leftover from something else). But we did not cover the whole bottom (just around the edges and in several inches) and that did not work very well (they still got out). But 1" x 2" (like ladysown said) would work better.