Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me what colour the parents would need to be to produce the 'Siamese Sable' - I have attached a picture of the colour I am after.
View attachment 13680
I know the Genotype is aa B- cchl- D- E-
The colours of the Bucks I currently have
1 x chinchilla Flemish Giant.
1 x chinchilla British Giant
2 x New Zealand White
2 x Californian
1 x Chocolate otter standard Rex
1 x Chocolate agouti/chinchilla?
will any of these males be suitable?
Sorry, I did not realize this thread was so old when I wrote the following...
From each parent a siamese sable needs a self gene <a> and a chin light <cchl> with another c-locus gene <ch> or <c>. (Two cchl genes won't work since that gives you seal.)
Th chinchilla bucks are <A_B_cchd_D_E_> They *might* be able to give you sable, but only if they happened to carry a hidden self <a>. One of the rabbits, either the buck or doe, would also need to carry a hidden sable <cchl>. Chinchillas carrying sable often look kind of muddy or rusty instead of having that crisp pearl and black, so that can be a clue to use one or the other of your bucks.
The REWs are wild cards since it's hard to say what they carry, other than they will NOT carry sable.
The Californian could give you siamese sable if you breed it with a doe that is sable or seal, or that carries sable.
Chocolate otter has nothing helpful unless it's carrying a hidden <a> or <cchl>. Same with chocolate aguoti/chinchilla.
Whichever buck you choose, unless one of the bucks just happens to carry sable, you'll need a doe that is or carries sable to get siamese sables in the first generation. If I were you, I'd start with the californian. That's the only self on your list (other than possibly the wildcard REWs) and will keep agouti and tan markings from being issues, and himi is a good combination with cchl. Even if the cal carries REW, it won't overpower the sable. Inf you can get a seal doe to breed to your cal buck, you should get all siamese sables in the first generation.
Sources for self genes: black, blue, chocolate, lilac, californian, tort
Sources for sable genes: sable, seal, siamese sable, sable martin, smoke pearl