What Color

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I am keeping this one out of the litter. Would she be catagorized as a blue eyed chin?


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She looks like a chinchilla to me. Her ring color isn't clear but at this age it often isn't, especially on the shoulders. Blow into the fur on her flanks/hindquarters - that's where I usually see the ring definition first in my satins and mini rex.
Here's a photo of chinchilla ring color from the Giant Chinchilla Rabbit club's website Evaluating Your GC :
She's really pretty and so sweet-looking!
She looks like a chinchilla to me. Her ring color isn't clear but at this age it often isn't, especially on the shoulders. Blow into the fur on her flanks/hindquarters - that's where I usually see the ring definition first in my satins and mini rex.
Here's a photo of chinchilla ring color from the Giant Chinchilla Rabbit club's website Evaluating Your GC :
View attachment 31516
She's really pretty and so sweet-looking!
Thank you. I will check the flanks for rings.
Yes, she is super sweet. She will jump off the box and greet me at the cage door.
She has black lip liner. It literally looked like someone used a pencil lip liner on her.
Thank you. I will check the flanks for rings.
Yes, she is super sweet. She will jump off the box and greet me at the cage door.
She has black lip liner. It literally looked like someone used a pencil lip liner on her.
So cute about the lip liner... we had a chinchilla buck years ago that had "lip markings" too, but his being a buck , we thought of it as a mustache and called him "Groucho" (after Groucho Marx, not his personality - he was a doll!). Here he is:GrouchoFace.jpg
Are you sure the buck is a chin he looks like a sable chin if that exists.
Yes, he was a chinchilla - he was the product of a NZW x blue satin buck, from which we found out that the "blue" satin was actually a self blue chin! Groucho's got a sunburned color due to being housed in a greenhouse during the winter. Even though there's not a whole lot of winter sun in Alaska, there's still enough to turn all the blacks, blues and chins rusty if they're exposed to it.
Anyway, he could not have been a sable chin since he obviously got a chin <cchd> from his sire, and necessarily got a REW <c> from his dam. No room for the sable <cchl>.
There are sable chinchillas <cchd cchl>- the sable gene is only partially recessive to the chinchilla gene, so it muddies both the color and the ring definition. I have a friend with a sable chin mini lop, but the color looks quite a bit different from Groucho's. The subject has come up a lot lately so I am trying to get a picture of that doe.