What color?

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2021
Reaction score
Bay Area California
I recently got into raising Rex rabbits both Mini and standard. And I had a 2 litters of MINI Rex and 1 litter of standard rex, however I can't seem to identity the colors of 2 MINI rex kits. I have 2 confirmed broken castors and 1 confirmed broken Lilac. The 2 that have their "own" pics are the ones who I don't know the color of. The dam is a Broken Lynx, and the sire is a Broken Black Charlie. Does anyone have a clue as to what they are? Thank you!20210526_112944.jpg20210526_113413.jpg20210526_113434.jpg
The may both be broken castors - castor can come in a very wide range of colors especially if there are some wide band genes in play - but the top single looks like it may be broken amber (chocolate agouti). Lynx is dilute chocolate agouti; not only the lilac doe but also the buck must carry both chocolate and dilute, since you got a lilac. So the top bunny pictured by itself could have gotten two copies of chocolate but only one of dilute (from the dam), making an amber rather than a lynx.
In juniors, when ring color is not yet well-developed, I find that looking at the lacing on the ears is helpful in figuring out which color of agouti I have. If the lacing is black, it's castor; blue lacing is opal; chocolate lacing is amber; very pale chocolate/lilac lacing is lynx. Given that, I'm guessing the bottom bunny might be opal, but it has so little color it's hard to say from the photo as I see it on my monitor.