What color is this doe? What might she produce???

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
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Western Michigan
The wonderfully kind gal who sold me my little French Angora buck also gave me a year-old doe. She's a little fidgety to get in and out of a cage but once in or out, she seems fine. She does have a nasty looking scarred nose, but since she's a wool-animal I don't care. Her funky nose gives her character. :cool:

But for the life of me I can't figure out what color she is! I got some cruddy photos when I was downstairs a moment ago...her head, tail and feet are all colored the same mottled gray-tan as her head and ears. :p

The breeder said the buck is a "Blue Tort"...what colors might he and this doe produce? :)

(please excuse the crappy photos, I was in a hurry...also their cages are currently on a palate since I can't hang them myself without help, so they're gonna have to wait another day or two to be held aloft...they're not in position. :p)

My doe:




And one of the wee little baby buck:

<br /><br />__________ Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:09 pm __________<br /><br />BTW, her eyes aren't red, that one image just looks funky. :)
She looks too light for a tort. She looks more like a pointed.
Only himis and rew have red eyes. Sable, seal, etc.. points do not but they do have a reddish tint the same as a diluted rabbit (blues, lilacs and to some extent chocolates) would have.
Sable point as well. The buck looks like a black tort though not blue.

Breed her to selfs and other torts and sable points. Maybe to agouti (chin or normal chestnut) Keep away from shadeds and tris/harles and otters.
So sable points have the cchl gene, right? If so, it would be dominant and all the kits would be chinny chin chins!
Sable :) I love learning these color's<br /><br />__________ Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:44 pm __________<br /><br />Sable :) I love learning these color's
Sable is recessive to dark chinchilla and regular color. Bred to a CC rabbit meaning full color you will not get sables or chins. The other rabbit needs to carry any of the other C locus genes to get something else. Agouti gene will turn sable in to light chin. Also a sable is 1 sable gene and 1 himi or rew gene. 2 sable genes gets you seal so you will also get himi or rew when breeding sables.

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