I bred an orange doe to a tort buck and they had five babies. One of the kits looks just like a tort except it was born with a very pink belly and pink around the mouth and nose area. Kit is now 2 days old, still very young. It has a little bit of pink around the eyes, a lot of pink around the nose/mouth and of course the belly. Their is a solid tort sibling and when compared to each other you can really see the difference. So I'm wondering if it could be a tort Otter or possibly an orange? I'm assuming if it's an otter anything, insides of ears should be pink correct?
Some background on the orange dam: She has a lot of tort, orange, a couple of creams, 1 opal and 1 chestnut in background. The breeder of the doe does not work with Otter, she hates the color and does not breed them. The one opal (4th generation) did come from another breeder who does work with otter. The dam's father was an orange (out of orange x tort) and the mother a tort (out of tort x orange). No heavy inline breeding either.
The sire to this litter is all tort and I know the breeder well and he only sticks to shaded so zero chance of otter, he has never had the color.
Correct me if I am wrong but since a kit receives one copy per gene per individual parent then my orange doe should be: Aa (A from dad and a from mom) correct? And if that is correct then she should not carry Otter. Dam is a black based Orange (breeder does not work with chocolate).
So if mom is a true orange and does not carry Otter then what could this kit be? I was thinking maybe a booted broken but as the fur is coming in it's very clear the body color is solid (no other spots) and the pink belly has a clear line all uniformly around it's belly/legs. Could it be a very smutty orange? It's for sure not a tort because of the pink belly. I have never worked with Orange before so I do not know what they look like as kits.
Of course I understand it is still really young and color will change as it matures but just wondering about the clear pink markings. :shrug: Any help is greatly appreciated! ^_^
kit in question, you can really see the pink around the eyes here and under the face/chin/neck
kit in question, belly
kit in question, belly
kit in question on the right
kit in question on the right
kit in question on the right, you can see how it has more pink around the mouth/nose area that the other kit who does have some but not as much.
Some background on the orange dam: She has a lot of tort, orange, a couple of creams, 1 opal and 1 chestnut in background. The breeder of the doe does not work with Otter, she hates the color and does not breed them. The one opal (4th generation) did come from another breeder who does work with otter. The dam's father was an orange (out of orange x tort) and the mother a tort (out of tort x orange). No heavy inline breeding either.
The sire to this litter is all tort and I know the breeder well and he only sticks to shaded so zero chance of otter, he has never had the color.
Correct me if I am wrong but since a kit receives one copy per gene per individual parent then my orange doe should be: Aa (A from dad and a from mom) correct? And if that is correct then she should not carry Otter. Dam is a black based Orange (breeder does not work with chocolate).
So if mom is a true orange and does not carry Otter then what could this kit be? I was thinking maybe a booted broken but as the fur is coming in it's very clear the body color is solid (no other spots) and the pink belly has a clear line all uniformly around it's belly/legs. Could it be a very smutty orange? It's for sure not a tort because of the pink belly. I have never worked with Orange before so I do not know what they look like as kits.
Of course I understand it is still really young and color will change as it matures but just wondering about the clear pink markings. :shrug: Any help is greatly appreciated! ^_^
kit in question, you can really see the pink around the eyes here and under the face/chin/neck
kit in question, belly
kit in question, belly
kit in question on the right
kit in question on the right
kit in question on the right, you can see how it has more pink around the mouth/nose area that the other kit who does have some but not as much.