What causes "missed" pregnancies?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2012
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
At day 36 I think both my new does missed. They lifted good, the bucks did the job really well, its been cold so no worries about sterility and the does are in good condition but not fat.

So I got to wondering...............

What causes a doe to "miss"?
lack of fertile eggs,
lack of proper timing,
lack of fertile sperm,
not all eggs and sperm work well together.
Sometimes it's genetic factors.
something missing from diet
I think the reason my doe missed a pregnancy was because she was too fat. After she didn't kindle I did some research and found out fat grows around ovaries in females and can cause infertility so I put her on less pellets more hay and normal amount of greens. Three weeks later I bred her again and she got pregnant.
I also have one who missed, despite several fall offs... I'm thinking she got too fat after free feeding with the last (smaller than avg) litter. She's on a diet now, hopefully will take next time.
One doe wasn't a miss after all, day 39 and kits in the nest. Shall count and see how many tomorrow. :D
LilacGal":37rnid7m said:
:fireworks1: Hooray!! Pictures and a head count please!

Hooray indeed! But my computer is in the shop - sounds like a car lol - so all my pictures are in too. :( But I swear, if it comes out in working order ALL my pictures of rabbits and pigs and all will be posted asap.

I love pictures too! :lol: