What can you tell me about show quality Angoras?

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Well-known member
May 17, 2012
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I'm going to look at some satin Angora bucks this afternoon, and I want to be able to pick the best one. They're all Fawn colored. I got that there can be a white undercolor. And that there should be white on the belly, eye circles, nostrils, and the underside of tail. And their eyes should be brown. Also there should be no wool on the front feet and there can only be a little on the hind feet. What about toenails, clear or colored? What else should I look for?
Toenails should be all the same color, maybe look up the standard of perfection on these at the ARBA site, don't know if it's listed there, they should have good width and depth. I believe they should be 6.5 - 10 pounds (9.9)? If they are young ask to see / feel parents? What their weights are, etc.
Frenchs should have a NZ type body (which I have never felt one like that at any show I have been to and felt them but oh well) lol, not sure if the same goes for satins or not.
Try to find the standard description on net and see if it helps, sometimes hard to visualize a description though, that is why I try to read it and feel everything I can to try to put them together.
hope that helps, oh check teeth.
Thank best of luck!
check over the rabbits to make sure they are smooth and not boney or hippy. flip them over and make sure their back feet are straight.
^ I second Lindsey. Take you time when looking them over. Pose them correctly. See which on really fills in your hand. Check the nails. Flip them over and check for | | legs. You don't want them shaped like this ---> V