I'd be more concerned about labeling her as a 'good' doe, or a 'bad' doe.
She's an average looking 'meat-type' rabbit, maybe lacking a little in width.
But that could well be due to poor care prior to auction. An auction scares me
though... because it's rare to find good stock at one. "IF" she were any
good, she'd not be there, would she??
Get her bred to your best buck and see what happens. I'm pretty
sure she's old enough. If she does a good job for you, that's great.!
If she doesn't, well hopefully you didn't get hosed too bad on her price.
For Heaven's sake... don't sell her.!!! Put her in the freezer. There's
no sense in sending a problem 'on-down-the-line'. Stop it now.
So many people nowadays are mixing NZ colors. Once that happens
it's anyone's guess what color you'll end up with. Years ago, I had a
herd of purebred NZW's and a high-priced show buck for the stud.
HAH.. talk about a blank-shooter. :x :x I went out and bought a
cheapie NZ-type buck that was a non-descript brown. I ended up
with some gorgeous deep red does that were outstanding mama's.
They stayed with me..
Best of luck,