What Breed is my Kit? & Age?

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Jun 14, 2017
Reaction score
Calgary, AB
Hello I got a rabbit kit yesterday and I would love to know what breed its is.. and how old you think it is? I've never had a rabbit before but im doing my research :)

(it was rescued from under a neighbors porch, humane society said it was a domestic breed and wouldn't last in the wild)
Heres a photo

__________ Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:01 am __________

and this one

__________ Wed Jun 14, 2017 11:03 am __________

I think he also has nest eye infection. his eye was all goopy and sealed shut. I have cleaned it with some warm water and a cotten swab and it looks much better, and he can open it but its a little cloudy... Thinking hes partially blind in that eye..

Also how can i tell the sex?


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Shorter ears suggest some kind of Netherland dwarf cross... but honestly, at the 4-16 week old ... could be just about any cross that isn't defined by colour.

Sure is a cute bunny... congrats
Welcome to Rabbit Talk

There is a Thread on sexing rabbits somewhere....
Your rabbit may be a little young to successfully sex ...
It's really hard to tell from the pictures how old it is and what breed or sex it may be. Chances are it is a mixed breed rabbit but it probably has some dwarf blood judging from its short ears, as SarniaTricia pointed out. At a wild guess, perhaps about a month old?

You'll have to be very careful about feeding him. He's likely weaned already, but having been accustomed to foraging, rabbit pellets may be hard for him to digest at first. Make sure he has a bowl of fresh water, as he is likely not accustomed to a water bottle.

Kitchen oatmeal (old-fashioned, large-flake type, NOT instant or flavoured) is easily digested. Grass hay is always a safe food for rabbits. Since he was rescued from a yard, he is likely accustomed to eating local weeds. I just approved your membership and it looked like you are near Calgary AB, but please add your location to your profile so we can advise you better about feeding. So many rabbit questions are dependent on location/climate that I wish every member would post their approximate location.

Here is the link to our Safe Plants for Rabbits list. If you don't know your weeds and trees, you'll have to google them by Latin name to learn what they look like.
The thick fur & small size indicate Holland lop cross or netherland dwarf cross. The ears look more like netherland cross, the coloring is caused by a gene (non-extension) most commonly found in Holland lops. Could be a cross between the two, or maybe it's just mixed breeds for generations back. I would just call it a mixed breed if I were you. The color looks like cream. To sex the rabbit, you have to look at its genitals. Theres some pictures on this forum, but the younger the rabbit, the harder it is to do

Good luck with your bunny
I think its a boy

When i pull back his tail and look it seems like a small straw like part sticks out just a few mm haha

He is in between the size of a baseball and a softball more towards the baseball though <br /><br /> __________ Thu Jun 15, 2017 7:53 am __________ <br /><br />
SableSteel":11m5f6tc said:
The thick fur & small size indicate Holland lop cross or netherland dwarf cross. The ears look more like netherland cross, the coloring is caused by a gene (non-extension) most commonly found in Holland lops. Could be a cross between the two, or maybe it's just mixed breeds for generations back. I would just call it a mixed breed if I were you. The color looks like cream. To sex the rabbit, you have to look at its genitals. Theres some pictures on this forum, but the younger the rabbit, the harder it is to do

Good luck with your bunny

Do you think his ears will flop over?
I'm far more concerned about your bunny's well-being than its sex or whether it's ears will flop. Do you have previous experience with rabbits, and do you know what to watch out for?

How's that eye infection? Is he eating, drinking, peeing and pooping normally? Are you being careful not to handle him too much until he has time to get used to his new home?

Oh, dear . . . I hope that doesn't come across as criticism. I'm just a little worried. Stress is a major concern when a rabbit undergoes substantial changes in its life. I'm glad you joined RabbitTalk so we can help you out if you encounter problems with bunny's adjustment.
MaggieJ":2pxoq6t7 said:
I'm far more concerned about your bunny's well-being than its sex or whether it's ears will flop. Do you have previous experience with rabbits, and do you know what to watch out for?

How's that eye infection? Is he eating, drinking, peeing and pooping normally? Are you being careful not to handle him too much until he has time to get used to his new home?

Oh, dear . . . I hope that doesn't come across as criticism. I'm just a little worried. Stress is a major concern when a rabbit undergoes substantial changes in its life. I'm glad you joined RabbitTalk so we can help you out if you encounter problems with bunny's adjustment.

I do not have experience with rabbits but I am pet savvy and enjoy learning about all animals. I have a standard poodle and I know how to take care of animals in general (feeding, keeping clean, providing entertainment whether it be toys or exploring/exercise, and make sure they are eating and eliminating correctly as it signifies how healthy they are... and of course providing a safe and loving home for them :)

His eye is doing much better and staying open. I still clean it twice a day. once in the morning before going to work and once when i get back home. His eye is dark grey/ cloudy so I assume he is at least partially blind, I'm not sure if that is something that can go away.

I will take pics tonight and post them :)

He is eating well and eliminating just as well lol
He got time to explore and exercise yesterday.
I handle him when I clean his eye and put him down and let him relax if he starts to squirm. and he likes to hide in my lap if i'm sitting cross legged and petting him. He is also starting to take food from my hands as well :)

I think he is doing really well and i'm keeping him warm, clean and dry (he seems to like to jump into his water dish and gets everything wet. I have changed that dish for a slightly taller/skinnier ceramic dish in hopes he wont sit in it anymore
That's very good to hear, Dina. :)

Sorry if I came on a bit strong, but if you knew how many times since we started RabbitTalk that someone has suddenly acquired a baby rabbit and it has died or become ill because the owner didn't know that basics . . . Glad he's doing so well and that you're enjoying him.
MaggieJ":hjx5vrcg said:
That's very good to hear, Dina. :)

Sorry if I came on a bit strong, but if you knew how many times since we started RabbitTalk that someone has suddenly acquired a baby rabbit and it has died or become ill because the owner didn't know that basics . . . Glad he's doing so well and that you're enjoying him.

No worries :) I'm glad you are here and are looking out for those baby buns ;)

I'm excited to get him some stuff this weekend like toys and a hiding place. I want to get him a litter box but currently he is living in a plastic storage box which is enough space for him now, but cannot fit any sort of box with him in there. (the box in the 2nd photo) I have made a setup where onside is his water dish, across is where his hay/grass/food go and I folded up a dishtowel to make a comfy area. We have our poodles 48" crate that he doesn't use so once the bunny is big enough that he cant squeeze through the bars he will be in there :)

__________ Fri Jun 16, 2017 7:31 am __________

Here is little Jevi (Like Chevy but with a J) lol <br /><br /> __________ Fri Jun 16, 2017 7:53 am __________ <br /><br /> You can see his eye a bit better in this one

(also the carrot is only a treat i give in small amounts when i'm with him/ petting him so he associates me as something good)


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So cute! make me possible want little bunny breeds...

I though I should let you know that plastic containers like that are not the best for you new little guy. They do not have enough ventilation and it can get very hot very fast. Also you would be surprised on how high these little ones can jump/climb when they really want to. I knows just a temporary home but if for some reason you need to leave him for a long period of time I would look into getting a better cage for the time being.