Sept 30th bred a senior SF doe with a senior SF buck. Had 4 fall offs in a 15 minute span. Previous pairings resulted in 1 fall-off (2 kits/1 still born on day 33) and 3 fall-offs (6 kits/all alive on day 31). So, we were not too concerned this time, as it was the first time our buck had no problem with the doe being receptive. Here we are at day 35 and no kits, no nest building, and no fur pulling. Absolutely no signs of pregnancy other than she is very needy, her dewlap is beyond huge, and she is eating more than normal. She is drinking, and pooping normally. I know the buck wasn't heat sterile as he was in a consistent 68 degrees all summer. She does not appear to be overweight, weighing in at 11lb, 1 oz (10 - 12 is the range for SF) at 1 yr and 4 months. Has anyone had similar situations with proven bucks and proven does doing the "deed" and still not resulting in a viable pregnancy?