I just ran into this doing our first bucks. Haven't done the does yet. One skinned real easily. One I practically had to knife skin. It was a surprising difference. I haven't done rabbits in decades and didn't remember how it was. I'll probably try and do them a tad under 12 weeks and see if that improves the skinning. It's not awful to knife skin like most other animals we do but certainly not as quick. I laughed out loud when you said "not mine".

As I get older I have to check to be sure it's not mine.
Ours are all white meat lines. So far we've had a lot of struggles with them but from my understanding and as things seem to be smoothing out I think it's been mostly breeder issue and bit of my relearning curve on the breeding end not the breed themselves. Time will tell for us but slowly I'm liking them more and more. The proof She (they all) DOES NOT want to have any handling at all and she lets us know yet still in spite of it all is producing well.
That is a very nice color. I wonder if their hides are a little thicker. That's one thing I'm working on is using hides and they are supposed to be very thin (heat tolerant benefit) and not ideal to use as hides. This is the first I've seen a non white Tamuk. I'd be interesting in that. Thanks for sharing a pic!