Well... we now have Bathroom Bunnies!

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Miss M

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Rabbit Talk Supporter
Jan 20, 2010
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Because of modifications my husband made to the rabbit hutch, he really didn't think bringing it back in off the porch would be very easy. I thought all we had to do was flip it onto its back, and then navigate the legs around the door. Apparently, it wasn't as doable as I thought. :shrug:

Anyway, at the last minute, we decided to put them up in the bathrooms, with baby gates (actually still have them!) at the doors. Pearl is in ours, over our son's protests, and Thumper is in theirs. Thumper was confused about where to do his business at first, so I had a big mess to clean up. I put a urine-soaked paper towel into his litter box, and he's behaved since then. :D

Had about the same thing with Pearl, except I was able to move her litter box to the spot she had christened. No more trouble with that, except that she likes digging in it, which leads to some of it getting on the floor. Oh, well. The main trouble with Pearl has been the plastic water line to the toilet. She was finding that quite irresistible, no matter what I put in there for her to chew. Last night, she was really going at it, and I did a search. I figured hot sauce on the line would do the job, and apparently sometimes it does. Seems a good bit of the time, though, it just makes whatever it is even tastier. So the suggestion I went with was Ivory soap. Thank goodness I had some on hand! I wet one end of it and rubbed the dickens out of the line with it. I held the bar up to Pearl and she seemed appropriately repulsed. So here's hoping we don't have a flood!!!

Both buns have settled into their new digs quite well! :) I expected it to be harder for Pearl, but once she realized all the toilet did was make noise, she was fine.

A couple of advantages to the arrangement are: No big hutch filling the living room, and much less noise for the buns to deal with.

A couple of disadvantages: Stepping over gates, having to make sure you don't kill yourself on the rabbit stuff in the bathrooms.

Of course, there is having your ankles tickled by whiskers while you're trying to do business...

Pearl's due any day now... she's got a nice box with a bunch of hay in it that she likes to sit in and munch hay. No fur pulling yet.
We had bathroom chickens and turkeys for a LONG time :D At least the bunnies won't hop up onto your knee while you're um, contemplating :) Sounds like a great place for the buns. Water easy to supply (heck, you could evn do up an automatic dog waterer)And easy to clean. :clap:
Bathroom chickens and TURKEYS?!? I told my husband about that, and he gave me this look: :shock:

The bathroom is pretty easy to deal with... it is only for while the porch is being rebuilt, though. Once that's done, they go back out in the hutch. :) Unless it's cold... we'll give Pearl more time with the babies indoors. It's supposed to be in the mid 60s by then, though, so we'll see how the timing of babies and temps works out.

As far as I can tell, Pearl hasn't TOUCHED the water line since I coated it with soap, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we won't be flooded out!