Well That Happened

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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North Carolina
So as of right now I live with my boyfriend and his parents *He is 17 I'm 19* Also living here is another couple and their kid *Friends of family whose house burned down* I have 2 does *I thought I had 3* The other couples kid has 1 doe. So I moved in here and next thing I know my does are pregnant I'm like WHAT!?! But yes two pregnant one in heat. Very in heat. Turns out my youngest one was a buck not a doe *I will post pics later of parts, etc so you all can see what my issue is* So he has been having a hump fest with two does in the cage *Jk he is pretty chill** He was raised with them*** So my issue is he looks like a she. But the other girl is OBVIOUSLY in heat, and the two that were in the cage are OBVIOUSLY very pregnant.
Sex change fairy visited huh? Lol.....have you had any experience with pregnant rabbits? They actually don't have heat cycles.....put in the nest boxes and get ready to be surprised:)
I checked them over a bit and I think they may just be fat after rechecking the *buck* I found out she is a doe in fact and neither are pregnant but tomorrow I'm going to pick up this little cutie buck.
Yeah since they don't have heat cycles they can be ready at anytime and will hump for dominance or to try and let someone else know they would like some action:)
They are all girls and they are all 4 in heat. I'm very confused seeing as a wild rabbit *I'm pretty sure* wouldn't come onto a car port near like 2-4 outdoor cats constantly rotating outside.And since they don't have a specific "cycle" Soooooo could it be a female with raised testosterone that is mating for dominance and because of the lack of estrogen? I've looked a bit into it and I'm not really sure. She is very dom acting. I'm not sure though
Rabbits don't have heat cycles, so I am curious what behavior/physical signs you are seeing that suggest being in heat.

If it's the humping by the one doe, that, as Macksmom said, is just that doe saying "I'm the boss". If there are other things going on, there may be other issues.
Umm well from what I've learned via here,youtube,google. What I suppose to be the vaginal open is swollen and like purple. Well I shouldn't say purple but it isn't the pink it normally is. She is more of a reddish swollen all four of them are. I know dominance mating I have three does living in one cage they do it all the time but since the new girl has been around they've all suddenly went into heat. I can post pictures of one of them later possibly so you guys can see.
The color you are seeing indicates breeding readiness, which is what happens in rabbits. It is not the same as a heat cycle, and rabbits can be ready on almost all days of the month or if having trouble breeding it's something you can check for. It's most likely not anything to do with extra testosterone or not enough estrogen. It's very normal to have the girls humping other girls, for the reasons already mentioned. Anyone who has had rabbits and had two females together, even just for excercise, has probably witnessed the same thing. There is nothing weird about it, they are just doing what rabbits do:)
Yep, Macksmom said it well. They are ready to be bred. Nothing to worry about.

Remember to quarantine your new buck for a month before he meets the ladies, but it sounds like they'll be happy to meet him.

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