Well, am hoping for BEW from Hannah, to prove that Snow carries VC. Hoping for anything VM from Star, preferably small. I did the genetic calculator on Snow and Star, and I should get some good colours, hoping for no shaded.
I really didn't want this many babies at once though. I guess it's a good thing I am getting new cages tonight, lol.
How unfair is it that Snow covered Star 3 or 4 times, and Star only gave me 4 kits, but Hannah was covered once, and gave me 9?!
Hannah now has all 13. Depending on how many is left in the morning, I will split them into 2 bunches. I'm pretty unsure about 3 of Star's 4 babies. I came home from having an awesome time out and found that Star had been using her babies as a pee spot. Because I was using a litter box for the larger size, no drainage. The kits were in a puddle of pee about 1/4" deep, the hair was soaked. I did my best on cleaning them up and warming them enough to see movement, then took Hannah's bunch out and plopped the other 4 in with them. I'm keeping the nest box out for the night, then, once everyone is nice and toasty, and smells all like Hannah, I'll split them, give her half in the morning, half at night. I'm hoping I saved Star's 4, but if not, I'm willing to cut my losses. Star will be going to my brother's kitchen as soon as he's home from his vacation.