Weight-loss motivation thread

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Sky: Yeah, I can agree with that. And ''ideals'' are not really that healthy either, most of the times.


We're getting to be a bunch of people working together now! :D And everyone has a plan and focus. Thanks for sharing your stories!
I've had a weight problem since puberty. I've tried various diets over the years and had limited weight loss and I was always hungry, which made it difficult to stick with the diet. A few years ago, I tried Atkins low carb and it worked really well. I lost about 60 pounds between February and July. I can't walk as much as I used to because of arthritis in my knees. I am currently on a medication that makes weight loss more difficult, but at least by low carb eating I can keep from gaining. I feel better too.

Basically I eat meat, cheese, eggs and vegetables. People sometimes think that on a low carb diet you are going to be eating larger quantities of protein and fats. This may be true for the first week or so, but it tends to level off. If Brian has two ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, I have about the same amount of ham and cheese with a raw veg or small salad. I seldom feel hungry between meals and if I do I can have a protein food without guilt. Food cravings have become a thing of the past. I can look at desserts and pastries (which I used to love) and not even want them.

This is not a success story. I am still far, far too heavy for my height. I am posting mainly because I think low carb eating may work for quite a number of people who are struggling with traditional low calorie diets.
MaggieJ":gx9pws5g said:
I've had a weight problem since puberty. I've tried various diets over the years and had limited weight loss and I was always hungry, which made it difficult to stick with the diet. A few years ago, I tried Atkins low carb and it worked really well. I lost about 60 pounds between February and July. I can't walk as much as I used to because of arthritis in my knees. I am currently on a medication that makes weight loss more difficult, but at least by low carb eating I can keep from gaining. I feel better too.

Basically I eat meat, cheese, eggs and vegetables. People sometimes think that on a low carb diet you are going to be eating larger quantities of protein and fats. This may be true for the first week or so, but it tends to level off. If Brian has two ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, I have about the same amount of ham and cheese with a raw veg or small salad. I seldom feel hungry between meals and if I do I can have a protein food without guilt. Food cravings have become a thing of the past. I can look at desserts and pastries (which I used to love) and not even want them.

This is not a success story. I am still far, far too heavy for my height. I am posting mainly because I think low carb eating may work for quite a number of people who are struggling with traditional low calorie diets.

My trendy friend who lived in California brought home a similar diet and I've been trying it...South Beach. I think you would like the "phase one" as it is a LOT like Atkins. The South Beach diet cuts out sugars...including carbs. The first week I was struggling hard because I have a terrible sweet tooth...but my friend also found me a "fake cheesecake" recipe. It is NOT low-cal but it is sugar free...it is basically unsweetened cocoa powder mixed into ricotta cheese with a little almond or vanilla extract. Tastes SO GOOD. :)

However, I also know from trying and failing a few diets, that not all diets work for everyone so we all need to find what works best for us! :D
I am glad that whatever one chooses works for them.
I do not usually write about myself but I must state this:
Diets DO NOT work? The only thing that works is: When you
are prepared and have set your mind to the task at hand
and determination sets in you WILL lose weight and gain
better health when that is set as your goal.
As a youngster, and I know that not many will believe this statement,
I was not much of a Candy eater. But, once I became a Diabetic
it seems that since I was not supposed to have it, I wanted it all the more.
Oh by the way I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have gained through experience
the ability to take control of my life. If you do not curb what you are eating
you could lose your life. I would like to stick around for quite a long while longer.
I do not speak nor will I of the pains that I endure while doing whatever I want to do.
When the Doctors ask me "How are you feeling today?"
My Pat answer is: For a Man of my age and in my condition,
I am absolutely Perfect in every way! Of course I get the refrain: You are not that old!re that everybody has their own cross to bear. If I wake up in the morning, it's a good day!
If I don't, well, I'll never know so it's still a good day!
I hope I raised an eyebrow or two, and not any anger.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Frosted Rabbits":1grh9hex said:
Miss M-- DO keep your arms!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Um, yes, I do like having them around! :p

ottersatin":1grh9hex said:
I hope I raised an eyebrow or two, and not any anger.
Hey, not sure what in there could cause any anger. :D Made me laugh in a couple of places. But RA... that's a nasty condition! :( So sorry you have to deal with that!
I'm one of those "toothpick people", although I don't consider myself "skinny". I have good musculature, I'm just little. I don't think it is genetically possible for me to gain a lot of weight. My mom was 5'2" and I think the heaviest she ever got was 110-115 lbs...

:tomato: :tomato: :tomato:

... so I don't have any personal experience dieting, but once y'all stop throwing tomatoes, I will share a couple ideas that worked for a friend of mine.

She lost a lot of weight with the "grapefruit diet".


She ate a grapefruit every day. For breakfast she had oatmeal with blueberries on it, but since she hates oatmeal, she mostly ate the berries, and then she had a normal lunch and dinner. I believe she tried to limit carbs as well.

ACV is also purported to help with weight loss, and she tried that also, in conjunction with the grapefruit:

http://www.naturalnews.com/033745_apple ... _loss.html

I have also read that many Westerners mistake hunger for thirst. Most of us do not drink enough water. An easy way to calculate your daily intake of water is to divide your weight in half and drink that number of ounces per day. If you weigh 200lbs, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day.

There are also herbs and supplements that may help with weight loss:

http://www.naturalhealthmag.com/health/ ... eight-loss

Exercise is important also, but I personally don't have the discipline to "work out" on a regular basis. What I do do, however, is walk very briskly where ever I go.

When we are in town doing our shopping, we usually park at the back of the parking lot rather than at the front. If there are several stores in the shopping center that we need to visit, we load our purchases into the car and then walk to the next store.

I hope some of those ideas will help, and wish you all good luck in getting to a healthy weight. :clover:
I cut down on the cream and sugar in my coffee this morning. :p<br /><br />__________ Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:53 am __________<br /><br />
MamaSheepdog":21kuhqnn said:
I'm one of those "toothpick people", although I don't consider myself "skinny". I have good musculature, I'm just little. I don't think it is genetically possible for me to gain a lot of weight. My mom was 5'2" and I think the heaviest she ever got was 110-115 lbs...
No, no, "toothpick people" are those like models who intentionally starve themselves to stay ridiculously thin. If you actually eat well and enough to sustain normal, healthy life, you are not one of the toothpick people. :)
ottersatin":at8h7u00 said:
I am glad that whatever one chooses works for them.
I do not usually write about myself but I must state this:
Diets DO NOT work? The only thing that works is: When you
are prepared and have set your mind to the task at hand
and determination sets in you WILL lose weight and gain
better health when that is set as your goal.
As a youngster, and I know that not many will believe this statement,
I was not much of a Candy eater. But, once I became a Diabetic
it seems that since I was not supposed to have it, I wanted it all the more.
Oh by the way I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have gained through experience
the ability to take control of my life. If you do not curb what you are eating
you could lose your life. I would like to stick around for quite a long while longer.
I do not speak nor will I of the pains that I endure while doing whatever I want to do.
When the Doctors ask me "How are you feeling today?"
My Pat answer is: For a Man of my age and in my condition,
I am absolutely Perfect in every way! Of course I get the refrain: You are not that old!re that everybody has their own cross to bear. If I wake up in the morning, it's a good day!
If I don't, well, I'll never know so it's still a good day!
I hope I raised an eyebrow or two, and not any anger.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:

No idea why we'd be angry, your post is well-thought-out, well-written and thought-provoking. And much appreciated. :)
Aside from all heavy, thought provoking stuff, I think I've kept within my limit today.

This far breakfast was slightly below 500kcal: 2 hard breads with butter and meatballs, together with a cup of coffe..and ''milk''.

I was debating withmyself wether to eat that or the regular breakfast drink, but obviously this won for today. My breakfast drink is about 480-500kcal as well but has a better percentage of protein. It's fruits or juice with sunflowerseeds, oats, nettle and rosehip - the latter two a dried version, added for vitamins and minerals. While juice isn't the best choice, it's simply way easier than fruits to mix it. And covers that nettle taste which is awful. No sugar added to the juice.

I had a late breakfast since I woke up late, so ''lunch'' was at 5 pm and also 500kcal; two eggs, some bacon and cheese. (protein cravings much? :lol: ) Between the meals I had a cup of coffee.

Dinner will be 300-500kcal as well.. dad's making some type of sausage stew-thingy and all of it will be 1500kcal (most from the sausage and creme fraishe). But when the both of us has helped ourselves to it it's almost half of it left, and I usually don't take the largest portion. So that should be fine. I'm having my veggie mix to that (19kcal per 100g so I'm no even counting those). Dad has rice. To this I'll have tea.. (red tea if that matters)

Excercise has been riding. And then I walked Crow to the pastue, dragging some hay behind me as well, and walked back (pasture is half a km from the barn). I've had my 30 mins at the crosstraining machine as well, and put on these weights around my wrists (I don't hold the handels when I'm walking there). Not sure if it makes a differense but I wouldn't mind to give my arms a bit of workout as well.

Tomorrow I think I'll live off breakfast drink, eggs, more eggs and dinner. Schoolday so ard boiled egg for lunch.. and coffee.

A bonus, picture from my ride :)
Yay for all of you! I did not do as much today. :oops:

I decided not to do a workout tape today since my back is still causing me pain, but I did walk around some.
I took smaller helpings at meals today. Not trying to starve myself, but I do tend to eat too much. And I passed on some of my sister's chocolate date cake! Very hard though...
Now lets see if I can ignore that sweet tea my Dad just made. :x I love sweet tea. :oops:

Zab- I see you have some of the ugly white stuff as well. Any idea how to get rid of it? :? :lol:
Lunch today... trail mix. :) So... nuts and raisins and a few M&Ms.

8 oz of our homemade tea has about 40 calories, which is a lot less than my favorite soft drink, Dr. Pepper, which has 100 calories per 8 oz. I have been drinking very little soda lately. :)

As for exercise, I have lots of outdoor work to do! But I also need to find some foot things for my old Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike. :)<br /><br />__________ Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:01 pm __________<br /><br />Chocolate date cake?!? Oh, dear... good thing it isn't here...
Miss M":12kuscem said:
Chocolate date cake?!? Oh, dear... good thing it isn't here...
It is really good! I had some the other day. :oops: I wish it was there instead of here! :D Friday will be the real test. Sis always makes the best desserts for Friday movie night. :x
Kyle: thank you :)

HH: Walking is good for sore backs. Talking of backs; I removed the handles onmy Crossie machine since they interfere with my arm-movement when I walk on it.. and moving the arms in the right rythm is important for my back since it won't be working properly otherwise. So.. from now on I'll train balance as well.. xD It's btw this type of machine, not sure if I'm using the right word.. I've also noticed that if I use the handels, I keep leaning forward - because if I let go of them I rebalance - so.. I figure that is not a good thing wen you need your body to move natural and keep a good, healthy movement. picture of the machine: http://www.bodysolid.com/Images/Product ... 1_HERO.png )

Yeah, that white stuff, I have the perfect cure! Every morning I just wish it away, and eventually it works! :D

MissM: What's in your homemade tea?
Zab":24h4x3cz said:
MissM: What's in your homemade tea?
Oh, I probably should have put that differently... it's just home-brewed decaffeinated tea, with probably 7/8 cup of sugar.

I didn't grow the plants or anything, just differentiating it from the tea you can buy at the store... which is invariably WAY TOO SWEET! Stuff probably has more sugar in it than soda! Yuck!

At restaurants, we'll often ask for half-and-half tea (half sweet, half unsweetened), because their tea is almost always sweet enough to make a honeybee pass out. My mom can't do that, though, because she can't have caffeine.

What she does sometimes is get them to make her some honey-water. It's about 1 tablespoon of honey, mixed with a little hot water, then poured over ice, and water added to fill the glass. Very good!
Yes, iced tea! It is very good! Our favorites are Tetley, Community, and Luzianne, in that order. Tetley has the fullest flavor, but the others are very good.
I usually just drink hot tea.. some years ago we bought ice tea but the only one here is some german brand... sometimes i drink my regular red tea cold. Or my herbal teas... they dont beed sweetening :)<br /><br />__________ Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:35 pm __________<br /><br />Todays intake: 1246kcal. Consisting of 400g sallad (mixed green leaves and lettuce, no iceberg) with tomato and cocumber. Spread over 3 meals whereof the last one was bigger. For dresing I just used vinegar and lemon.. I like the fresh and a bit harsh taste with greens.
200g chicken (two meals)
4 eggs (one in the dinner sallad, the other throughout the day)
My breakfast drink/smoothie.
1 tablespoon and one teaspoon of honey, put in 2 litres of tea (I like my warm drinks..) Red and green tea mixed.
1 apple.
An amount of coffee I rather not specify...

I think that's it.. I only drank about 5dl of water, but I'll count the tea and fresh veggies for some water intake as well. Hm.. doesn't sound like all that should be 1200kcal.. but the program I put the numbers in said so..

I've also purchased a kitchen scale :D Yay for the fanatism! But I figure I'd like to know the weight of my butchered meatrabbits as well when the time comes..I've missed a scale a few times. I managed the near impossible; I walked through 2 food stores, being hungry, and not buying anything I hadn't planned for! Except batteries, the scale and the vinegar. I didn't plan on being hungry, I just wanted to buy some fresh greens for my egg (because an egg sallad is nicer than just the egg) and then.. it took a while.

I've had 60 minutes on the crosstrainer, with wrist weights. 2 x 30 minute sessions. I'll see if I can manage a walk instad tomorrow, if weather allows it and if I can manage to stand on my two feet on the ice currently covering our roads.
Zab":1fahg1w3 said:
About the Paleo, I read the link and this one made me chuckle a bit:

"Eliminate to most sources of external stress in your life as possible and sleep the most you can. Try to wakeup without an alarm and to go to bed when it’s dark." If I sleep as much as I can, I sleep 24/7. Honestly, I'm the kind of person who just get more tired the more I rest, and my back hurts if I sleep more than 6 hours straight.. (so it hurts constantlysince I rarely get up after 6 hours). Being in sweden, it makes sense to the daylight thing though.. :lol: I'd definetly hibernate on that lifestyle, only getting a few twilight hours a day throughout november and december..

I think that is just that particular person's take on it... the Paleo diet is a way of eating. Basically, it's a grain free diet. Anything else is just "extra" info added by other people.

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