Weight-loss motivation thread

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Dec 14, 2012
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I've decided to work on my weight again.. who's struggeling with the same thing? Or by all means, struggeling to gain weight, if here's any with that side of the issue :)

I havn't seen a weight-motivation thread here, I hope that is because you all have the perfect, healthy weight and are happy with yourselves! In which case I suppose this will just be a weight diary for me. If not, then you're welcome to join me :)

I need to start taking my weight seriously.. I just realized I'm up at 79kilos (which is bad when you're just 161cm short).. My ideal weight should be 50kilos according to some. I think I'd be invisible if I got that skinny though, so I'll set my goal at 65kilos, concidering my built and so. I've been down at 63 at one point - when I got internet addicted and literally didn't eat for 3 months, I only drank milk.. I was not pretty. But I think 65kg and excess lost with good food and moderate excercise should be pretty good for me. Since I mentioned my lowest - my highest was 89kg.. Do not want to get there again. Last time I checked my weight I was 75 or so, so 79 was bad. I need to find a meassure tape too since I trust more changes to come in actual size rather than weight, I tend to make fat into muscles which leaves me skinnier. I don't want *too much* muscle either though, my knees doesn't like the weight no matter what it comes from.

My method of choice; counting calories (around 1400-1500 cal per day should allow a fairly quick weightloss and still have room for nutritient. Old calculations with dietists say I use 1600kcal per day without excercise, so if I stick to 1500 and add daily movement I should be at 400-500 kcal minus per day, which is about half a kilo fat loss per week. More if I excercise more.
I'll go for unprocessed foods with a good amount of nutrition..so I suppose egg, vegetebles, meat, roots etc. To make it posibe I'll eat the main foods my dad cooks (yeah, spoiled) but instead of potatoe/rice I'll boil veggies (carrots, broccoli etc) I'll try to learn to drink my coffee black rather than with milk (oat cream)... I won't try to quit coffee, I'd fail. But I'll drink more water and tea, being careful with overusing honey.
This has worked before if I just stick to it..

I'll add some excercise too. Being out and away for 12 hours per day sand have dogs, cats, rabbits and horses to tend to, I don't have much spare time. But at least 30 minutes/6 days a week on the crosstrainer. I could use it while watching that Farm-show :lol: Or the 6 mile speedy walk I used to do before, if weather is good. (My back prefers those walks, and my mind too). While I am up and about in school and on the way there, I'm not moving a whole lot.. but not sitting in front of the TV all day at least. I'll try to add a few rides per week too.. I should get my horse back in shape too.

What I expect to be the hardest part? Staying non-hungry in school. I need to keep a good lunch box with me and try to keep myself from getting hungry and revert to fast foods.. even if I take the salads it's not really great.

So.. are you in a weight loosing program? What's your method?
I'll join you! I need to lose about 50 more lbs (about 23 kilos). My son's wedding is in June, and I don't want to look like I do now.

Actually, if that milk you drank was raw milk, that wouldn't be a bad thing. I just did a raw milk fast and lost about 5 lb/3 kilos.

I'm trying to exercise more, starting with running in place for five minutes and working up to about 15 so that I can start going outside to run, and doing "wall pushups" (standing about 2 feet away from a wall and doing pushups from a leaning rest on the wall). I've also started a beginner ballet class.

If I don't start getting some quick results, though, I'm going to go back on Hcg again, which is the only way I've ever sucessfully lost weight in the past. The hard part about that is food boredom, but I'm starting to get desperate.
Glad to have you aboard! :D
It's illegal to sell raw milk here, needs to be pasterized. Anyhow I can't drink milk (protein and lactose intolerant), I have a oat-based cream substitute (mixing it with water). But I could probably quit that..
A raw milk fast, like in only drinking milk? I did that (not on purpose) with regular warm milk and honey one summer and lost tons. But in a bad way since I didn't excercize and just sat down all day, doing nothing. :) I can see it work, milk is a good way to get nutrition, if you can drink it.

What's hcg?

Sounds like a good excercise plan :) How about walking a few miles at a brisk tempo after the 5 minutes of running in place? I've experienced that walking does wonders for my weight. I'm not a runner.. I hate running.. I can sprint a short way, but not run any distances..


Hm.. already up at 1878 kcal today and I have dinner left. 92g protein though.. that's good. A bit too much even concidering that dinner. With dinner I'll be up at 2200kcal.. and this is a ''good'' day, without snacking! No wonder I've gained.

I did my 30 minutes on the crosstrainer though.
ack... i am engaged and need to lose weight anyways. but i dread actual exercises. and i'm pretty healthy other then my weight. pcos but i even dont have like half the syptoms (thank heavens).

i've read into eating paleo and really want to but being as i'm still living with my family right now... /: dont think it will work until i'm out and can do the shopping myself.
eating paleo isnt a diet, its changing your eating habits. i also read that since i have pcos it could be really good helping me lose weight.

here is a link if anyone wants to have a look:

the recipes are to die for! <3 just do a search for paleo recipes, you wont regret it ;)
http://paleodietlifestyle.com/category/ ... t-recipes/<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 18, 2013 1:36 pm __________<br /><br />Zab you might like paleo if you cant drink milk.

i have milk goats and will continue drinkin some raw milk and eating homemade dairy things though even if i go paleo with about everything else.
I need to lose weight. I hate how I look now. I feel fat and ugly, dang "spare tire" at the belly and all.

I'm trying to lose, too. :) I need to take about sixty to seventy pounds off...thus far, I've shed ten. Hey, it's a start, right??? :)
Ah, paleo :) I've looked into it briefly and I like the thought of it, but not enough to research it further. I have pretty much found what works for me (and it's not so far off from paleo) give or take a few tweaks.. problem is to manage it together with school and spending most of the day away from home and kitchen. But I like the idea of paleo, and might look at the recepies.. I'm very careful with calling my diet anything, as soon as I do I get overrun by followers of that diet saying I'm doing it wrong :lol:
I do want to keep my oats, I eat (or drink) about 40g of oats in my breakfast smoothie and it helps me keep awake untill I get to school and have lunch. Other than that I'm not a fan of grains.

Kyle: of course it's a start! Shedding 10 is the opposite of gaining 10 :D<br /><br />__________ Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:40 pm __________<br /><br />About the Paleo, I read the link and this one made me chuckle a bit:

"Eliminate to most sources of external stress in your life as possible and sleep the most you can. Try to wakeup without an alarm and to go to bed when it’s dark." If I sleep as much as I can, I sleep 24/7. Honestly, I'm the kind of person who just get more tired the more I rest, and my back hurts if I sleep more than 6 hours straight.. (so it hurts constantlysince I rarely get up after 6 hours). Being in sweden, it makes sense to the daylight thing though.. :lol: I'd definetly hibernate on that lifestyle, only getting a few twilight hours a day throughout november and december..
I am in as well. According to charts I am not over weight, but I am on the higher end for my height and build. My plan is to work out each day. I have been doing my Mom's workout videos (Leslie Sansone) and I like those a lot, but when it warms up I want to take walks and bicycle rides as well. Another thing is trying to eat a little less (I eat too much). And I need to drop the desserts. :( I am terrible about that. But what can I do when my sister makes such good ones? Guess I need to use the words "no thanks" more. :x
Zab":1cbu6o3b said:
It's illegal to sell raw milk here, needs to be pasterized. Anyhow I can't drink milk (protein and lactose intolerant),
That's sad that you can't get raw milk. I think that you could probably drink raw milk if you could get it, because the pasteurization kills the enzymes your body needs to digest the proteins and the lactose.

A few states allow store sales of raw milk. Here in Texas, it's legal to sell only directly from the farm, although we're trying to get that changed to allow store sales as well. In other states, you can buy "cow shares", which means you are part owner of the cow. The farmer feeds and takes care of the cow, and you are entitled to a percentage of the milk from that cow. In still other states, raw milk is allowed to be sold "for pet use only", but it's perfectly safe for humans, as well. In a few states it's completely illegal, and people often travel hundreds of miles to a bordering state where it's legal in order to buy it.
You know,I come from a culture where being big is the norm. Big behinds are beautiful, full bodies are expected. By most standards I am too thin, but not from lack of trying. I have never had any weight issues, part of it is genetic, my father's side of the family are genetically thin, and most of it is because I have always played sports throughout school and now handling dogs. I do hate exercise, or anything as artificial as going to the gym. I am a distance walker, and cyclist. Besides health reasons, I haven't quite figured out the whole be skinny craze.
For me it is more keeping healthy and fit. I am a bit too sedentary and just keep gaining weight which I feel is not too healthy for me. I would like a bit more muscle then fat. I don't aim to be skinny, just healthy.
My issue is how little energy I have. I'm usually kind of a skinny guy. This past year has been really hard on me, and I apparently eat when I'm stressed...and so now I'm fat lol. I'm going skiing next week and I'm sure I'll be gasping for air and exhausted when I'm done, because for me, fat also equals out of shape. :( So yeah, I'd like to take the weight off, it is literally weighing me down! :)
HH - sounds like good plans :p I'm happy to not being able to eat most desserts.. :lol:

Trinityoaks - I'm not that interested in milk anymore :) I don't think it's that great to have too much of it (from start we didn't have cows, so it's not really a natural part of our diet.. albeit more natural than pizza, of course). When I did drink milk I always had full milk, never the lighter versions... but now I don't even miss it anymore. I've grown used to the oat alternative. It's interesting to hear how it's illegal some places and not others though.

skysthelimit - Whatever reasons are, there's nothing wrong ith trying to loose extra weight.. in the long run it's still a load to carry that will wear unecessarily on the body. If people want to loose the extra pounds.. well why not just let them.
My personal reasons are; bad knees, they just get worse with every kilo. Trouble sleeping - because I'm uncomfortable when my stomach folds around me. Difficulties to breathe easily when I'm out of shape. Then there's a lot of reasons that has less to do with weight loss and more about the changes that leads to weight loss; when I eat healthy I feel better, more energetic. My skin gets nicer. My pain levels drop (they raise when I eat concentrated sugars or starches), and when I add some walking to the mix my back pains eases, I can enjoy being out more and I can run to catch the train wthout getting half a heart attack or triggering my asthma. I don't feel sick when I've gained 5 kg..but I feel much more healthy when I'm loosing them. This is why I focus on loosing through good nutrition and moderate excercise, rather than starving myself.

Of course, anyone who's happy with their weight and feel good shouldn't try to loose (or gain) just because it's pretty.
I'll join ya-- saw my PCP last week, and should be hearing from a dietitian this week.. I can basically only shop once a month,. so I need to do major food prep over the course of a couple days, and FREEZE stuff. Gardens will be started in the spring-- That will be a source of bending and stretching! Perhaps a bicycle is in my future--

back on my T hormone for 24 hours-- I am already feeling the benefits---

And once the weather clears up-- Gunny training should burn almost as many calories as I eat!!!
I'm in. A month and a half away from the big 5-0 birthday. I always seem to gain during winter when I am not out working as much on the farm. Once spring starts, I do better, and once the garden starts producing I am in heaven with the fresh veggies.

Going to help hubby chop and stack firewood this evening, so I will be getting a good workout.
I just hate the way this culture puts up unhealthy images of "skinny" people, when most people are not like that. But is anyone is experiencing health issues, it's always a good thing to lose a little weight.
I've been back to watching my calories more carefully. I was doing really well with it and then had a surprise miscarriage and a death of a good friend not long after so I did a bit of emotional eating I'm afraid, and got out of my good habits. I like to use MyFitnessPal. It's easy to track calorie input and output on there, I'm sure there are some inaccuracies but it's close enough for me. I used it earlier last year and lost about 10 pounds, ended up gaining them back but I want them off again. I haven't weighed myself recently, but I would like to be 150lbs. I am 5'8".
I'm in too ... been trying to figure out where to put the exercise lounge upstairs. Otherwise, when it gets nicer outside, I might just move it out on the back sidewalk :p

When I loose the weight the best is what I call the "hunger pangs diet" ... I have a mug of hot chocolate for breakfast, then don't eat again until I have had hunger pangs for at least an hour, but I work up to several hours. Then, it is a half dozen multi-grain crackers (the small ones!!!) Then, for supper, after at least an hour (or more) of hunger pangs again, I will eat a protein ... just 2-3oz. With this, I have also cut out most refined sugars and other carbs. And, I drink a lot of unsweetened tea and water. In the afternoon, when the temps are over 90 and I am outside, I will also drink 12oz of gatorade or pink lemonade.

If you read The Atkins Diet by Dr. Atkins, he discusses how the body digests and processes foods. I am also of the opinion that females and childrens bodies are geared more towards a "grazing" food intake, whereas adult men are geared towards the "one big meal per day" eating regimin. As the human animal developed, we moved from being grazers to hunter gatherers and I believe we still retain a lot of those characteristics. One thing my diet does is to shrink the stomach over a very short period of time ... so smaller portions become even smaller which helps limit caloric intake.

Another conclusion that I came to when reading Dr. Atkins' book ... when we experience hunger pangs, and don't eat but just drink water, the body will convert stored fat to supply the energy that the body is needing.

My ex and I started this diet a few years back after Christmas. In May, we ran into a neice we hadn't seen since Christmas and she went home and commented (which got back to me) that we must be on drugs because we had lost so much weight, meaning that a simple dietary change could not have been the sole reason for the weight loss.

So, I just weighed myself ... 5'2" and 178 <uggg> and 53 this summer. My downfall is chocolate, so I will limit myself to one piece of chocolate per week. I have found that I do much better with smaller portions of the fatty things rather than cutting them out completely! :cheesysmile:

But, my back has healed (3 years that took) and I am able to actually get out and be active again!
Zab":fudio18a said:
Great Miss M! :p So.. any plans on how? :)
Well... I think my main downfall is eating too much at dinner, and probably too much chocolate! I'm also hopelessly in love with bagels, and frequently eat one with cream cheese for breakfast. :eek:

So I need to take smaller portions, drink more, and eat less chocolate (and probably fewer bagels). I will still eat chocolate, because it has helped me through dieting before. The idea of being able to have a small amount of dark chocolate with a glass of milk at the end of the day gives me a feeling of satisfaction.

The last diet I tried was Protein Power (somewhat similar to Atkins). I lost 10 pounds, and then suddenly completely lost my willpower. Then... I found out I was pregnant. :lol: So I tried again some time after my son was born, and felt very, very ill. My doctor wanted me to try Sugar Busters. Then we moved in with my uncle, and I didn't even think about it.

I am just over 5' tall, but the last time I weighed myself I weighed 168... which sounds like I must be larger than I actually am. I'm not sure where it all is, but it's somewhere, and it needs to be gone. I have hypermobility, which is a step down from Marfan Syndrome, and means basically that my joints are "loose"... the tendons and ligaments have more play in them than they should, and my joints have more movement in them than they should. I am my own chiropractor, as various joints are always going out of alignment or building up excess pressure. I am always in some level of pain in my back, and have been since I was a teen. Excess weight (as well as a car accident in 2004) exacerbates the pain and my joint issues.

I am tired much of the time, but I can't attribute that to my weight. I was tired much of the time when I was much thinner. I succumbed to stress related IBD when in college, and it changed my whole metabolism. I suddenly started putting on weight easily, and found myself having to watch what I ate for the first time. I did fine until our daughter came along. I've never lost the weight from my two babies. :) I haven't gained since I had our son, but I haven't lost, either.

I agree that the toothpick people we are shown as ideal are not ideal at all -- most of them are on the brink of malnutrition. Many more are Photoshopped, so they aren't even real. If you look at the statue of Venus, she's got curves, and would be considered a plus size today. Yet that is a way more ideal and realistic body size.

If I could get down to Venus, I'd be pleased. :)

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