WEED ID please

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
South Florida
I'm REALLY BAD and IDing weeds. Looking for some help from you all to ID some good eats for my bunnies. I'm still trying to move them off pellets. I also plan to make a rabbit food garden this year.

These are weeds around my yard. What are they and can the rabbits eat them? Thanks!!














Usually grows anywhere the rabbit poo is used.




I don't know what most of them are, but only 3 plants look edible to me. Pics 6&7, 11&12 and 13.

6&7 might be suspect though. 11 & 12 look like some sort of squash. 13 looks like clover.

Pic 9 looks like an elephant ear, so it would be toxic.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Good pics though. Someone should be able to positively identify those.

<edit> Oops. I didn't see the numbering by the pics and just counted the pics from the top. My numbering is off. </edit>
3&4 probably ok

6 is nightshade, big no

7 is golden rod, I believe. Probably fine.

9 is no, I believe.

10 might be thorn apple, NO.

11 is sorrel, I would guess yes.

The grasses are good.
14 is red pigweed - pretty sure. rabbits can eat it but mine are not wild about it.

12 - I want to say it's in the mint family but that's just a guess and I truly have not idea. is the stem square? that's a good indication of a plant in the mint family. not a clue if rabbits can eat it.

I have 4 in my yard too - it's hard for me to pick so I haven't ever researched it.

have no clue what 10 is but those are some crazy leaf spikes!!

7 - horseweed ? looks like it might be. not ok. (lordy I first put also ok but it's not if it is horseweed)
I don't think 12 is a mint. Mint usually has furry leaves. I only know this because I spent two hours trying to determine if a plant was cat mint or ground ivy (also of the mint family) yesterday. :p

Half of those look like ones I've seen with toxic look-alikes. Can you call your local extension? They usually have a Master Gardener available who can ID local plants in no time.
#9 appears to be Vinca.

#11 appears to be Oxalis, which looks like clover but isn't. Oxalis has heart-shaped leaves in threes, while clover's leaves are oval and have a subtle white stripe. Oxalis leaves often fall downward and look creased like the leaves in your picture.

Vinca and Oxalis are genus names, not nicknames, so you will be able to find info quickly. :)
I agree with Miss M about #11 being oxalis... not drop dead poisonous but not a good forage plant either because of the high levels of oxalic acid.

Most of these plants are not familiar to me... I guess I am too far north to be much help. I recommend you do a Google search for common Florida weeds or get a good book on your local flora.
10 looks like datura to me - it's commonly used as an annual around here, but also reseeds well into ditches. it's highly poisonous.
4 is a wetalnd plant "nutsedge" I had ONE sheep enmjoy the flowers-- but normally, sedges are too 'tough' for grazers and browsers due to their high silica content.
As with Miss M, all I got was the Vinca and Oxalis.

#10 looks prehistoric with those big nasty spines. :x
12 and 13 is a type of Wedelia--at least, that's what we call it here. The same variety, or very similar, is a horribly invasive plant in Hawaii, introduced for landscaping, but spreads like crazy and displaces other weeds and shrubs. I don't know if it's safe or toxic, but as far as I know, nothing will eat it--I heard even goats don't like it. Some of your others look familiar to me, but I don't know any of their names or edibility status--except, 1 and 2 look like what is infesting part of my chicken run (the chickens won't touch it); and 6 indeed is a kind of wild nightshade weed, thus a definite no (99% sure); and 11 looks just like a type of clover that I find popping up all the time in my gardens, etc., which I think certainly ought to be edible, though I have not fed it yet myself. 4 looks like some kind of sedge, maybe? And 8 looks very much like morning glory or sweetpotato vines or some other relative, but I'm not familiar with that type and wouldn't take a chance on feeding it.