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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2023
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Aberdeen Washington
Show me your websites and what platform you used. I am creating this page because.
1. I doubt I'm the only one who wants to see other peoples website/Rabbitry.
2. For people like me who need ideas.
3. For people to support each other's rabbitry's.
4. I enjoy seeing everyone's rabbits/rabbitry's
This is my website created with Odoo I believe you can bypass the paying (you can get one app free choose website) its still a working progress. tell me what you think!
Looks good! I think it will be really nice once you finish it. I like using facebook!
Here is mine Her Farmstead Rabbitry! Hope this helps!
I want to start a Facebook page but haven't yet (for now, I just use my mom's account to message people) I love your Facebook page and logo. Fingers crossed it's going to look good.
I want to start a Facebook page but haven't yet (for now, I just use my mom's account to message people) I love your Facebook page and logo. Fingers crossed it's going to look good.
Thank you! I really like how you wrote your info on homesteading meat rabbits! I have only been on facebook for few months because I am 16 and my parents don't like social media. The facebook page has grown my business tremendously. One of the things that really helps is being in local homesteading/farming groups and when someone is looking for rabbits just jump on it. They do like it if they can go check out a page though! Let me know when you get a page I will post about it on mine and follow you! Also if you need a logo check out Beus Maple Leaf rabbitry! She is really good and not expensive at all!
Thank you! I really like how you wrote your info on homesteading meat rabbits! I have only been on facebook for few months because I am 16 and my parents don't like social media. The facebook page has grown my business tremendously. One of the things that really helps is being in local homesteading/farming groups and when someone is looking for rabbits just jump on it. They do like it if they can go check out a page though! Let me know when you get a page I will post about it on mine and follow you! Also if you need a logo check out Beus Maple Leaf rabbitry! She is really good and not expensive at all!
Thanks! I will bug my parents about getting a Facebook page. I'm 14 so it might take a few years (I hope not!!).
I am glad you are making a website. I refuse to support Facebook and provide Zuckerberg with more money. He sells all your info as well as your private messaging between other members. Just in case you weren't aware of that. When he started censoring scientific debate that was the last straw for me. Just be aware it's a choice you are making to support him & his business model.

Note to you younger users, even 20 years ago there were pedophiles on Facebook when my kids were your age, so be very very careful please. There are a lot of really really bad ideas there. More today than ever. You really don't need FB

I have a website which I started a few years ago specifically so I would have my own secure email addresses. Costs me $15 a year for the domain name plus hosting which is about $2 a month. If you're interested, the hosting is web hosting pad and I can't remember the name of the registrar but I can get it if anyone wants to know. A basic website is included, very user-friendly to create. If anyone wants more info or any help I'm glad to help you get going! Almost all my rabbit sales come through my website.

If anyone would like me to make a page listing other rabbitries, I am willing to do that with links to your website. I will not link to Facebook however. If you want your location and phone or email etc instead of a website that's fine too. I'm more than happy to set this up on my site if there is interest.

Oh! LOL I did not realize you were trying to sell rabbit websites LOL I thought you set up a website for people to share their rabbits on. So sorry I can delete my post if you want. I'm just all about trying to get everyone started successfully raising their own protein. I got a chance to look at your website it's beautifully done good job! And good luck with it! Hope you make a good income!

You might want to add that they are now calling rabbits vegan cats lol just read an article in I think New York times or something like that about rabbits are the new cats and they have a smaller carbon footprint.

Most people still believe the climate scam so I guess it's a sales point. I thought it was just hysterical actually.

Oh! LOL I did not realize you were trying to sell rabbit websites LOL I thought you set up a website for people to share their rabbits on. So sorry I can delete my post if you want. I'm just all about trying to get everyone started successfully raising their own protein. I got a chance to look at your website it's beautifully done good job! And good luck with it! Hope you make a good income!

You might want to add that they are now calling rabbits vegan cats lol just read an article in I think New York times or something like that about rabbits are the new cats and they have a smaller carbon footprint.

Most people still believe the climate scam so I guess it's a sales point. I thought it was just hysterical actually.

Oh, no I am not that good. AI basically created it and now I'm making it mine. So you might have seen something that AI created not me. I am trying to edit it as fast as I can. I would love it if you would make a list on your website. The world is getting crazy!
Show me your websites and what platform you used. I am creating this page because.
1. I doubt I'm the only one who wants to see other peoples website/Rabbitry.
2. For people like me who need ideas.
3. For people to support each other's rabbitry's.
4. I enjoy seeing everyone's rabbits/rabbitry's
This is my website created with Odoo I believe you can bypass the paying (you can get one app free choose website) its still a working progress. tell me what you think!
Very nice! Love the ease of usage and your photos.
I am glad you are making a website. I refuse to support Facebook and provide Zuckerberg with more money. He sells all your info as well as your private messaging between other members. Just in case you weren't aware of that. When he started censoring scientific debate that was the last straw for me. Just be aware it's a choice you are making to support him & his business model.

Note to you younger users, even 20 years ago there were pedophiles on Facebook when my kids were your age, so be very very careful please. There are a lot of really really bad ideas there. More today than ever. You really don't need FB

I have a website which I started a few years ago specifically so I would have my own secure email addresses. Costs me $15 a year for the domain name plus hosting which is about $2 a month. If you're interested, the hosting is web hosting pad and I can't remember the name of the registrar but I can get it if anyone wants to know. A basic website is included, very user-friendly to create. If anyone wants more info or any help I'm glad to help you get going! Almost all my rabbit sales come through my website.

If anyone would like me to make a page listing other rabbitries, I am willing to do that with links to your website. I will not link to Facebook however. If you want your location and phone or email etc instead of a website that's fine too. I'm more than happy to set this up on my site if there is interest.

Liz, love your website!

I think it would be a good fit for me. Loved seeing all of your rabbits!

All of the helpful tidbits! I use dog crates as well. XL are the "condos" for the breeding does. So many helpful ideas!

I buy mineral blocks /salt blocks for my horses and the "wheels" for the rabbits! Another game changer! Thank you! I can get #10 cans for homemade J feeders! Another win! What did you insert for the "water drip spouts"? in those plastic nut/arborio containers? What wire or brackets did you use for your shelves?

I'm replacing my farmer's market so I will save all the metal. I liked the usage of the round pipes as support and ease of cleaning.

Thank you for all the helpful ideas! KT
Restaurants often get mayonnaise in square buckets and throw them away.
I have a website which I started a few years ago specifically so I would have my own secure email addresses. Costs me $15 a year for the domain name plus hosting which is about $2 a month. If you're interested, the hosting is web hosting pad and I can't remember the name of the registrar but I can get it if anyone wants to know. A basic website is included, very user-friendly to create. If anyone wants more info or any help I'm glad to help you get going! Almost all my rabbit sales come through my website.
Liz, would love the name of the registrar, thank you!
It looks like Liz went through for their registrar.
Yes I did! I have used them for probably 25 years maybe 35 years lol they used to be 1 and 1

If everyone who is interested would please hang on I may be able to get a finder's fee if I get a link from them which would be greatly appreciated. It wouldn't cost you anymore and usually you get a better deal if you go through a referral but I can't get to my computer right now. I will do it soon within a couple hours I promise!

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Ok, I was able to get a referral link for the domain registrar - they are very good, as I mentioned I have used them for YEARS. I used to have a website for my paintings/portraits, but now I only have a personal one for my rabbits. Well, there are still links to some of my paintings, but mostly it's RABBITS!

Here is the link to use (please) to visit IONOS products.

Thanks I do appreciate it!


I am still working on getting a referral link for the webhost that I use. If you do go, you can send them a comment that you heard about it through and maybe they'll give me $1 LOL.
Liz, love your website!

I think it would be a good fit for me. Loved seeing all of your rabbits!

All of the helpful tidbits! I use dog crates as well. XL are the "condos" for the breeding does. So many helpful ideas!

I buy mineral blocks /salt blocks for my horses and the "wheels" for the rabbits! Another game changer! Thank you! I can get #10 cans for homemade J feeders! Another win! What did you insert for the "water drip spouts"? in those plastic nut/arborio containers? What wire or brackets did you use for your shelves?

I'm replacing my farmer's market so I will save all the metal. I liked the usage of the round pipes as support and ease of cleaning.

Thank you for all the helpful ideas! KT
Restaurants often get mayonnaise in square buckets and throw them away.
Thank you for such an uplifting response! It's nice to know that my 'ahem' frugal ideas are appreciated. I have seen people spend a ton of money to get set up and you really don't have to. And THANK YOU for ideas on where to find some more containers. I asked at Sam's club & they 'sold' me an empty bucket! I need to get busy & go around to some bakeries/restaurants. Thanks!

I need to get a page written about the watering system I use. It's Rent-a-Coop & they're FANTASTIC. I don't have them on a single line, I keep thinking about doing that, but very occasionally one will malfunction or a rabbit will lose his temper & then his water is drained. If I had all the rabbits hooked together, it might keep everyone from having water. Since I only have 6 rabbits usually, It's not that big of a deal to fill the cannisters when they become empty. Yes, they are just screw top containers that held mixed nuts, rice, etc. So, food safe! which is nice I think.

Here is the link to the waterers I use - THEY ARE WAY CHEAPER than when I bought mine. They make a larger size, but I like this size because you can actually fit them between the bars of the dog cages without having to take them apart. I like the cups better than those push waterers because I think they drink more water & here in hot Texas, that's important. If you follow the link you'll see examples of having them on pvc pipes or flexible tubing as well.

I would love to see pics of your xl condos! I have shelving in all my rabbit cages because they love them & I feel sorry that they live in a cage. One of my bucks chews his in half, but most are really good about keeping them useable. I just built giant "shoeboxes" with side openings for nest boxes, so had to remove some of the shelving, but they sit on top of the boxes, so pretty much the same thing.

I'm off to set up the rabbit page - I'll be back in a bit with a link to sign up to get your listing!

Thank you for such an uplifting response! It's nice to know that my 'ahem' frugal ideas are appreciated. I have seen people spend a ton of money to get set up and you really don't have to. And THANK YOU for ideas on where to find some more containers. I asked at Sam's club & they 'sold' me an empty bucket! I need to get busy & go around to some bakeries/restaurants. Thanks!

I need to get a page written about the watering system I use. It's Rent-a-Coop & they're FANTASTIC. I don't have them on a single line, I keep thinking about doing that, but very occasionally one will malfunction or a rabbit will lose his temper & then his water is drained. If I had all the rabbits hooked together, it might keep everyone from having water. Since I only have 6 rabbits usually, It's not that big of a deal to fill the cannisters when they become empty. Yes, they are just screw top containers that held mixed nuts, rice, etc. So, food safe! which is nice I think.

Here is the link to the waterers I use - THEY ARE WAY CHEAPER than when I bought mine. They make a larger size, but I like this size because you can actually fit them between the bars of the dog cages without having to take them apart. I like the cups better than those push waterers because I think they drink more water & here in hot Texas, that's important. If you follow the link you'll see examples of having them on pvc pipes or flexible tubing as well.

I would love to see pics of your xl condos! I have shelving in all my rabbit cages because they love them & I feel sorry that they live in a cage. One of my bucks chews his in half, but most are really good about keeping them useable. I just built giant "shoeboxes" with side openings for nest boxes, so had to remove some of the shelving, but they sit on top of the boxes, so pretty much the same thing.

I'm off to set up the rabbit page - I'll be back in a bit with a link to sign up to get your listing!

Thank you! I used the 7 squares water containers I have, so this is perfect timing! And so much less expensive! I paid $36 for 6. I can raid my pantry for those containers because I repurposed them.

I'll be buying the mineral lick tomorrow.

I built 4 different nesting boxes. I like the smallest one for the large cage , but the other nesting boxes are 2x the size (I thought the first one I made would be too small). They work well on keeping the kits in longer during the winter. I was one short so I used a tote....They love that. I like the fact that I can easily slide it forward, pop the lid and look in. However, I would use a smaller tote if I did it again.

I like the shelves. When my rabbits run free they jump on anything and everything to say hi to the others. I use a lot of the mayo containers to hold dog food, rabbit food, my supplies. Even pizza places that make ranch have them.

lol@frugal.... that's my middle name! You also might just put out an iso ad on craigslist if you use it. : iso empty cat litter boxes.(whatever you call them Johnny cat boxes?) I have one full of rocks.

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