I read this a few days ago:
"Weaning consideratopms:
The proper procedure used in weaning the kits has been extensively discussed and researched. Most successful rabbit breeders now agree on the following parameters when weaning kits:
The doe and litter should be separated at one time. The doe should either be removed from the kits and placed in another cage or the kits should be removed from the doe and the entire litter should be held together.
Weaned rabbits should be kept together for two to three weeks after weaning from the doe because the stress on the weaned rabbits is reduced if the siblings are kept together for sometime after weaning.
Removing the kits all at one time reduces the incidents of mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) in the doe.
By removing all the kits at one time, the doe tends to dry up what little milk she does produce much faster, since allowing some kits to stay with her would stimulate milk production though the suckling process."
http://florida4h.org/projects/rabbits/M ... aning.html
What do you think? How many of you practise this procedure? How soon (or what was the soonest) do you wean? Any incidence with mastitis? My "problem" is that does don`t wean kits on their own, they just let them suckle so they have constant milk supply. I used to let doelings with them till the butcher time, but now I need more meat so I have to separate them and the process of a few days weaning is really unconvenient for me.
"Weaning consideratopms:
The proper procedure used in weaning the kits has been extensively discussed and researched. Most successful rabbit breeders now agree on the following parameters when weaning kits:
The doe and litter should be separated at one time. The doe should either be removed from the kits and placed in another cage or the kits should be removed from the doe and the entire litter should be held together.
Weaned rabbits should be kept together for two to three weeks after weaning from the doe because the stress on the weaned rabbits is reduced if the siblings are kept together for sometime after weaning.
Removing the kits all at one time reduces the incidents of mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) in the doe.
By removing all the kits at one time, the doe tends to dry up what little milk she does produce much faster, since allowing some kits to stay with her would stimulate milk production though the suckling process."
http://florida4h.org/projects/rabbits/M ... aning.html
What do you think? How many of you practise this procedure? How soon (or what was the soonest) do you wean? Any incidence with mastitis? My "problem" is that does don`t wean kits on their own, they just let them suckle so they have constant milk supply. I used to let doelings with them till the butcher time, but now I need more meat so I have to separate them and the process of a few days weaning is really unconvenient for me.