So after all that, the doe that wasn't building a nest kindled last night. She has 5 doa, and 4 live, all in the nest box. She made a nest and pulled fur. Not sure what happened. Looks like some got stuck. The kids just went and checked and it looks like we lost the litter. This does usually only has 4-6 so 9 is a HUGE litter for her.
The other 2 does have been pulling fur. I need to breed our other set of does today or tomorrow, so I will just rebreed the one that lost her litter.<br /><br />__________ Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:26 pm __________<br /><br />The other 2 does kindled last night. They both used their nest boxes (we've had a couple of issues recently) and built beautiful nests. One doe had 8 (2nd litter, lost her first on the wire, 1 runt that prob won't make it). The other doe I haven't done a firm count on. Looked like there was only 5 or so, but they all looked good. Both does pulled a lot of fur. We are going to need it. We're headed into cold temps next week. We have been in the 50's for daytime highs. Next week, they are talking highs around freezing and lows barely in the double digits. I think winter has arrived.