Watermelon Rind

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Bad Habit

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Does the rind of a watermelon carry the same sugars as the meat? Or is it fairly safe to feed? I know it's not as tasty to humans, but I had some watermelon last night while the big guy was out, and he ran off with the rind and loved eating it and playing with it.
I would think the rind has very little sugar, Bad Habit. I know whenever I eat a piece of watermelon, I notice it getting less sweet once I get down near the rind. I'd say it is an okay treat now and again. We give ours to the geese... They just love it!
Well, watermelon is a rare treat around here even for the people, but whenever I get it, I give the rabbits each a 1 inch cube. Probably once a month or so, lol. But the rind, probably a 1 inch wide piece by about 4 inches long, they get about the same amount of the actual watermelon meat, but the rind as well, and they enjoy it, and use it as a toy as well as eating it. I think of it like being able to choose between a cup of full fat ice cream, or 2 cups of low fat, lol. Same amount of sugar, but twice the treat!
I give it to my rabbits occasionally as well, but most of the time the horses get it.
Well, for me, it's either the rabbits or the composter... The only other pets around here are the dog and the cats, and none of them have any interest!
Our compost barely ever gets anything "tasty"- it goes to the chickens, goats, rabbits, or horses first! :)
lol Karen, everyone here except Dobby loved it too. Dobby munched off all the actual watermelon, then shoved the rind out of his cage.
I give them mostly rind but if the watermelon is too bland for me they get that too. They probably get too much sugar as I feed them lots of vegetable trimmings I get from the organic grocer dumpster.
I had an English Cocker Spaniel when I was a kid, and I don't know if it was because it was the residue from backyard parties (ooh, PEOPLE food) or a genuine craving, but that dog LOVED watermelon, rinds and all. So much so that he once managed to snag the neighbor's trashcan through the chainlink and dump most of its contents into our yard, where he was found happily munching on the rinds from their party!
Bad Habit":iyxa6y8l said:
lol Karen, everyone here except Dobby loved it too. Dobby munched off all the actual watermelon, then shoved the rind out of his cage.

My Dobby doesn't even eat the pulp of the Watermelon. Very finicky when it comes to sweet things. Definitely doesn't have a sweet tooth, lol. The others only eat a few bites of the pulp, but gobbled up the rinds.

My rabbits LOVE watermelon rind. They think it is their birthday when we bring it out. My buck starts thumping once he smells it until we give him his chunk.
