I remember my lynx kits going through phases of peachy tan, and having the blueish cast coming in mostly with the adult coat. I don't have lilac chin pics, but maybe I can help a little with various shades of lynx kits...
bluish lynx on the far right
Peachy lynx under an opal.
Very peachy fluffball. 
__________ Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:45 pm __________
Another lynx kit on the right
Older lynx buckling, showing blue cast
__________ Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:46 pm __________
Daisey as a kit, blue chinchilla. No tawny shades at all like an opal would have.
I imagine a lilac chin would be similar, with just the bluish/lilac shades and none of the tawny tan or beige color.