Videos of doe.

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
I took a few quick videos of Luna. (The doe we're thinking is pregnant.) I really do think I feel at least one kit moving around in there, and have been keeping a very close eye on her. She hasn't displayed the full blown nesting yet, but I was wondering if what she is doing in the video is the start of it, and would give everyone a clearer picture of what she's up to.

I apologize if the video is horrible. I hate hate hate being on, or talking on videos, but I need to start! Lol! :oops:


Rabbit does can be seriously tricky.


Maybe she is, and maybe she isn't. You really can't go on appearance or behavior, since sometimes rabbits who are not pregnant build nests.

Some rabbits one can easily tell visually if they are late-term-pregnant or not, and some never show.

She's a pretty girl. :)
I feel your pain Becca! For a week now, I have been watching ours and just so anxious for them! The waiting can be a crazy time. I always find it so interesting because you would think rabbit pregnancies would go by so quickly at 31 days.....but they never do, lol:). Hang in there and keep watching her behavior. It may make it easier to tell for next time and will make you feel good being close to her. <br /><br /> -- Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:41 pm -- <br /><br /> If you haven't already check out my YouTube videos of the babies moving inside their bellys!
I read so much about heat sterility and how difficult it is to get started up again in the fall, that I kept really loose breeding records and pretty much let everyone excercise together a lot. We also have a new buck and 3 new first time Does, and I think everyone is pregnant. I do know that they were together and sort of when, and that there were lots of fall offs my the new buck but he also left a lot of wet spots from not getting things in the right spot....sooooooo I do get it:)

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