very bad day

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
Reaction score
I walked in to the stalls today to find an oops litter from when my castor mini rex buck got let out of his cage while I wasn't there. While trying to determine who's litter it was I found Neyuki, the younger champagne, with a prolasped uterus. Both horns of the uterus were out and she had lost a lot of blood so she was euthanized. I tried to get Amako to let the kits drink but she wouldn't relax enough and doesn't have much milk since her kits are nearly 8weeks old now. I just got home with them and plan to try with Twix who has 4 week old kits. I also posted and plan to call everywhere and everyone I can think of to find a foster doe. We are leaving thursday and not coming back until sunday so I don't have much time. If all else fails I will probably leave them with my aunt to try to hand feed while we are gone. She's been successful with cottontails before.

On top of this we lost a sugar glider to a freak accident and we may have a pregnant one despite being told all the males we got a year ago were neutered and none of them having the usual head spot or obvious scent glands and poms. We also rehomed one so went down 2, go up 2, but at least some of our potential money troubles have greatly lessened over the past few weeks.