Vacation over.......

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2012
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It was nice having all the boys here for the Holiday break. Sadly it is time for them to all go back to their lives. The Oldest is heading back to college in the next day or two. The 11 year old is heading back to his moms this afternoon. And we are getting back to work with school in the next couple of days. :(

I love having all the boys here, but it gets pretty chaotic at times. It makes two boys seem quiet for at least a few days.

And on a good note, I will be able to go through and clean the house and keep it clean again. With all the kids here they tend to take over the hole house and leave a mess as they go. :evil:

Then, I will be left to miss them and wish they were all back here again. Anxious for summer break. :cry: I guess the college student is going with his friends for spring break. At least the 11 year old comes here every other weekend now.
I hear you! My oldest and his fiancee left yesterday. I won't see him again until he graduates from Ranger School in April (if all goes as planned). One college son is leaving Sunday (he has to be back a week before school starts). Other college son will probably be here until February, possibly March (depending on how many more classes he can do online), before leaving to finish his degree in residence.
I dread the day my littlest one is all grown up, even though he is only three. Empty nest may just be the death of me.
Oh, I will still have a couple at home for a while. My youngest is 11. It's still REALLY hard on him when his brothers leave (he was only 5 when oldest went away to college).
yeah. Brandon was two when Anthony started college. And it is always hard for him when his oldest two brothers leave. He loves all of his brothers so much. And he is by far spoiled.