So I've been playing around with my website lately, trying to make it even MORE user friendly
Wanted to put all the articles I write in an easily found area.
But I'm not really satisfied with what I came up with and thought I'd come here to see if you all might have some suggestions.
Not sure if I want to add pictures to the categories or just what...if just doesn't seem "finished"
So your thoughts and ideas would be appreciated.
Also looking for some blog post ideas so if you have any... shoot them at me.
Wanted to put all the articles I write in an easily found area.
But I'm not really satisfied with what I came up with and thought I'd come here to see if you all might have some suggestions.
Not sure if I want to add pictures to the categories or just what...if just doesn't seem "finished"
So your thoughts and ideas would be appreciated.
Also looking for some blog post ideas so if you have any... shoot them at me.