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Frosted Rabbits

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Reaction score
Long time, folks. I have a second Service Dog now, a Gr Pyr named "Angelica". After a month, we are still getting used to each other. My son_in_law passed on Nov 7, finally losing the battle with an extremely rare form of cancer. Then last week, I got scammed....something I should have been able to recognize, but didn't see until too late. Good for my critters that I have stockpiled some feed to last another month. One heckuva way to end the year. I hope every one else,s year end is a lot better than mine!
Frosted Rabbits, I feel for your loss. It does get easier but I understand the heartache. I am sure that Angelica is a sweet girl. From my experience the Gr Pyr are loving gentle giants.
My end of year is going alright. I am in school to become a Vet Assistant, once graduated from that program I am going directly into the Vet Tech. I love my classes. Murphy's law has struck me again though. ON the way to school yesterday I tripped over a hose out on the sidewalk and twisted/sprained my ankle. The same ankle that I broke two years ago. Go figure!
I am so glad to see you on again. I hope everything picks up for you by the end of the year. Best wishes to you.
*hugs Frosted and Sage*

I am so very sorry to hear about your son in law. Your family will be in my prayers.

The scammers seem to be getting trickier...if you don't mind sharing what kind of scam it was, it might help someone else keep from getting taken.

Sage, I hope your ankle heals quickly.

Things here are going very well. My darling hubby was finally approved for Disability, and he gets to slow down a bit. If we can find a critter sitter, we hope to visit my folks for the holidays.

My hope for all my RT friends is that 2015 is a fantastic year in all respects.
It seems like it's been a rough year for a lot of people. I've had some ups and downs this year as well..... just life I guess.

Losing family is always rough.... but I think the pain is proportional to the love you had for that person too. You never get over things like that... but you can get through it.
The scam involved internet signature loan. It basically did ask for valid bank fees up front. I have been under so much stress from various sources that I ignored the gut feeling and what little common sense I had at the time. :cry: I am *only* out $300. Still, way more than I can afford.
So sorry, Terry.

I appreciate you posting the info, hopefully it will make someone think twice and not get caught up in it.

I hope your 2015 is nothing but bright.

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