Update pictures on my Lop's kits and sad news

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
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They were ten days old when I took the pictures. Can't wait until they start coming out of the nest box or even their eyes start opening.


I love the brown and black around the eyes.


Sad News, I lost my Thumper.. he was the first rabbit I got and my favorite. He was perfectly fine yesterday and this morning since when I found him he was still soft and such. So sometime between noon and 4pm something got to him to cause him to die sadly I don't know what. I hope it wasn't anything that could harm my other rabbits since I had a bred doe in a cage next to him, and their cages sat on my other buck's cage, up on rocks/bricks to keep them from sitting in their own droppings.
I know I won't be replacing him unless I can find one that is the same breed as him and young enough to were I can make sure he will be friendly. Although I will more than likely keep the best of his sons that come from the two bred does I have, at least if any make it.
So sorry about your dear Thumper. It's never easy to lose a pet, under any circumstances.

Beautiful babies! They are so much prettier than mine, who are still naked-looking at 5 days old! I just love all the black spots in the nest box!
So sorry RBG about losing Your favorite bunny. It hurts like heck when that happens !!! Sometimes rabbits seem to just die on us for no apparent reason.

The little ones are certainly cute !! Perhaps there will be a Thumper Jr. in a litter.
Sorry you lost Thumper! I lost my original buck in November, and I know how sad it is.

But... at least you have all these cute kits to play with! I hope you get a nice Thumper-son out one of the does. Good luck!
I found one of the babies dead yesterday when I moved them to the cage they'll stay in until sold and any does I keep will be stuck in until they get their own cages. So now I'm down to 7. Luckily it wasn't one of the "pretty" ones and was just kind of blah on coloring (one that would have been sold anyway).

I'll know if I have any of his sons by the 22ed at the latest... since today is the earliest for one of them (although I expect her to have 'em on the 30th day), well two but I'm hoping Ali who kits are in the pictures didn't get bred again but she got in second with him so hopefully not or if she does she has them after the other doe has hers so I can foster them. And then expecting the other one that was bred to him as the earliest for her would be tomorrow or the 20th.

Later this evening, I'll try to get pictures of each one by themselves (or a couple) when I go out to play with them after it cools off... I have one I already know I'm gonna keep (or sell strictly as a pet or pet breeder) if its personality stays the same since it was the calmest one out of the batch and looks very much like her mom.<br /><br />__________ April 19th, 2012, 7:19 pm __________<br /><br />More pics... ignore the hand... only way to get a picture on some of them. And ya get a glimpse of my "backyard" type area in some of the pictures.















This one below is my favorite, so calm and easy to handle.
I really like the markings on the middle broken black kit in the seventh picture. Very pretty.
Im sorry to hear about your Rabbit , Makes me wanna watch Miscif a little closer now

Enjoy those CUTE CUTE Babies !!!!!!!

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