Update on our "lonely only"

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Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 16, 2009
Reaction score
South Eastern Ontario
It's been three days now since we pulled the kit from the colony after his only sibling was trampled to death. He was 18 days old then and is three weeks old today. We have him in a solid bottomed cage indoors and keep it covered with a sheet. He has settled down after an initial period where he was frantic if we opened the cage and screamed if touched, He is putting on weight and looking quite content.

We only had 2% cow's milk and with no vehicle running, we had no way to get anything better. He's been getting oatmeal with a pinch of sugar and few grains of salt, well soaked with warm water. He also has alfalfa and grass hay, dry oatmeal and a bowl of water. He seems to be eating hay and he pretty much cleans up his mush twice a day. He's pooping normally, I could see today, so that is good.

I had my doubts initially that he would survive, but now I think he's likely to make it. It's a nice feeling, even though he will certainly be going to freezer camp when the time comes. :D
Well, it's a lot easier when they are close to weaning age, so I don't take a lot of credit. MidnightCoder and I debated as to what would be best, to leave him with his mom in the colony or bring him up here where we could keep an eye on him. At first we just couldn't decide, but Alice didn't seem interested in nursing him, and finally I thought: At least he'll be warm in the house. I think that was the deciding factor for me. I hated the thought of him being alone and cold down there in the nest tunnel.
He's doing his best to charm us... Looks cute as a button right now, but no, it would be difficult to reintegrate him into the colony and I do need some meat from these rabbits, y'know what I mean? I've almost forgotten what rabbit tastes like. Also, there are more promising youngsters from Alice's first litter. One, in particular, is a gorgeous velvety brown/black. I'm hoping it is a doe because it is big and chunky. Just what we need.
I'm ok, honest...just been kinda down. Found out im overweight (alost obese) although its hard to tell because of how i carry moy weight. So i started an "exercise" program, lol, you guys should see me., Listened to Jon Bon Jovi and wallowed for a while. Got my computer inected so it wasnt working too hot. Lost my dog (he got out and 3 hrs later came back crying cause he was cold). I need to update on my lonely only. :)I'm still around, just going hrough some bummer stuff, is all.

Thank you for asking. :)
Well, it certainly is "bummer stuff" but at least none of it is catastrophic. An exercise program will make you feel better, less depressed. Brisk walking is wonderful for that. Once when I was depressed - twenty-something years ago - I walked off a ton of weight one spring. I had a lot of time on my hands just then and I just walked and walked. Hard to be too depressed when you are moving. But... hard to get out with little kids, unless you have a good stroller for two.

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