Update on Mopsy's kits

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Well-known member
May 28, 2013
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First I owe yall a huge thank you! Without you guys, I think we would have lost these kits by now. So thank you, thank you, thank you!!

The kits are now 3 days old. Mopsy, once again, did not nurse them when I brought her the nest box last night but did peak in at them and move the nest material around some. This morning, like yesterday morning, she jumped in just about right away and nursed them. I checked on the kits both yesterday afternoon and again this afternoon to check bellies and just for a piece of mind. I'd love to just snuggle them all day! I'm not worried at all about 2 kits. They have nice full bellies are are the biggest. 2 of the black kits have wrinkly bellies but are very active. I am getting worried about the white kit though. It is very wrinkly, is one of the smallest and the least active. It's also the only one that did not latch when I rolled Mopsy and put the kits on her Weds night. I'm thinking that maybe I should try putting the 3 smaller kits on Mopsy at night and hopefully give them a little boost. If the white one doesn't latch again, should I try supplementing it?

I was going to say the white one doesn't look too bad, then I realized the last pic is the brown one, not the white one. :(

I'd try flipping her again, see if it can latch. I don't know how long babies can go without nursing, so maybe it is getting some sustenance, just not as much as the others?
the white one doesn't look good at all. when my kit looked like that it was dead by morning. I tried flipping the doe but the kit just didn't seem to get any milk at all.
I flipped Mopsy after I gave her a chance to climb into the nest and nurse (she didn't). I went ahead and let all the kits nurse. I thought maybe the others could help get the milk going. The white kit didn't even latch. It would root a little and then stop. So I decided to go ahead and supplement. It just about attacked the dropper and ended up eating about 3/4 ml and then fell asleep in my hands. :)
awww. I haven't had to bottle feed any kits yet but I used to raise squirrels that had lost their moms. It is the sweetest thing the way they held the dropper and then like you said, fall asleep in your hands. Gotta love the bottle babies! Best of luck with her/him.