Once again I made my way to the garage to check everyone. The one thing I did notice about every single rabbit I've got.. They ALL seem a bit on edge, a little extra active, and jumpy. I went down the line, and stopped at Luna's change. (the doe that has had belly movement for a week.) She has been in her nest box almost all morning. Chewing away at alfalfa, and stomping it around a lot! Usually I just reach into her cage, and place my hand under her, and feel her tummy. Now anytime I had done that in the past week she did not seem to care. Today I did it, and she let out a whimper? Maybe? Not like a grunt that some of the other girls have done, but Luna has never been vocal with me. I sat, and watched her, and I'm not sure how to describe it. She would sort of twitch? Like she would be chewing at some hay then throwing her head back randomly, then go back to chewing. No kits yet, but the whimper thing sparked some extra in me. Again I have NEVER heard a peep from her until today.