understanding genetic color help?

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I am assuming you have already tried going to some of the sites listed in the stickies above, and still find it confusing? Here is a site that explains it in pretty simple terms.. http://rabbitgenetics.weebly.com/

Or maybe you are trying to do determine what your rabbits are? I'm not clear on what help you need.
wow that link helps a ton I am trying to figure out what my rabbits are. I want to cross some colors and understand what should be produced from crossing of 2 parents

so for a blue otter it would be

atB chlD
so for a blue otter it would be

atB chlD
almost :) have you read this sticky - rabbit-genotypes-list-t19367.html

Each rabbit has two options for each of the colour genes (A-locus, B-locus, C-locus, etc...) they (and most animals) get one from their mom and one from their dad. The more dominate colour gene from their parents is the one that colours the fur and we use blanks "_" if we don't know what colour a rabbit secretly carries.

"at_" means otter and an unknown
"B_" means black or not chocolate and an unknown
"chl_" means shaded and since your rabbit is a blue otter he is not this but full colour and an unknown = "C_" the other possible colours created on this locus are chinchilla(cchd), himilayan(ch) and red eyed white(c)
"D_" means not dilute and since you have a blue otter your rabbit IS dilute and would be "dd" since a rabbit must have both recessive genes to look blue.

The last commonly listed locus is the extension = E-locus. A blue otter is full extension and would be "E_"

So in summary your Blue Otter is ... at_ B_ C_ dd E_
hate to be a pest more questions but do you have to have unknowns on them?

say both parents are blue otters as well it would be atat BB CC dddd EE

or like this ataa Bbb C_ D_dd E_E

im trying to not be confusing in my questions but its hard
atat BB CC dddd EE
ataa Bbb C_ D_dd E_E
Remember only 2 genes for each colour locus so it is ....
at from dad (or mom) and a from mom (or dad)= ata =otter
d from dad and d from mom =dd = dilute/blue
C from dad and unknown from mom = C_ =full colour

hate to be a pest
Not at all :)

do you have to have unknowns on them?
Nearly always there will be a few blanks because only the more dominant colour shows up and the less dominant one just rides along secretly.

Only when a rabbit is the most recessive colour can we fill in a blank.

So all self based rabbits will be "aa"
All chocolate based rabbits will be "bb"
All dilute/blue based rabbits will be "dd"
All red eyed whites will be "cc"
All non extension based rabbits will be "ee"

All other colours will have blanks until you test breed them and figure out if the parents secretly carry any recessives :)

For example, when i first got my American Chinchilla rabbits I knew their genotype was A_ B_ cchd_ D_E_ even though I had their pedigrees and knew the colour of their parents.

After breeding to several different coloured males and females I was able to fill in the blanks and know that...

Silver is an "AA BB cchd cchd DD EE" chinchilla coloured rabbit while

Squirrel is an "Aa BB cchd cchd Dd EE" chinchilla coloured rabbit and

Sterling is an "Aa BB cchd c Dd Ee" chinchilla coloured rabbit