Just leave her alone for a bit. If something does go wrong, there isn't much you can do, but being in there watching her makes it more likely for something to go wrong. Try to keep it all on one thread too, rabbittalk shows new replies to threads with the same priority as new threads in the active posts (where most people look), and if its on an old thread we get more context. I see more problems with small nest boxes than big ones, if she starts using the box as a toilet you may have to switch back. If she has babies outside of the nest, you can move them into the nest, and she will still care for them. If you have wire floor, just peak in every now and then, to see if there is are babies on the wire so you can move them before they get cold. If you have a solid floor cage, the babies could do perfectly fine even outside of the nestbox, so it isn't as much of a concern.