Two new litters and a rabbit tractor.

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Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Emory, Texas
Had my NZ white and black kindle two days from eachother and together they gave birth to 12 kits with just one still born. :p



They're so cute.

I also thought I would give grazing a hand. This is my current tractor I built it with scrap items so it's meh.

Though I'm not sure about the grass around here it's just so varried and I'm awful at identifying things :(

Here are a few pics does anything stand out as super toxic?











Sorry if this post is too large I wasn't sure if there was a way to collapse it like a spoiler.
Does the plant in that last picture have stickers on the leaves? It looks like it could be a thistle, maybe a milk thistle and, that is not good for rabbits. If in doubt, eradicate those to be safe.
Rabbit tractors: Are heartaches waiting to happen....I'm not attempting to insult you; nor wishing to "bust-your-bubble".

But, they're an open invitation for any 4-legged miscreant bent on mischief and mayhem. I'd not mind having some rabbits out in one, as long as I'm there to keep an eye on them. But, unattended, is asking for trouble.

Overnight?....Maybe one or two nights, until the predators get a fix on them. Then they're toast. Raccoons will snatch them half-way out of that 2X4 welded wire and eat them alive. It's okay for a temp shelter during the day w/you keeping an eye on them.

Good luck in your endeavors.

I do use tractors all summer but, they are 1 inch off the ground with timbers to support the wire. Minimizes parasites in my rabbits that are out there, keeps them form eating bare patches in my forage area and, makes moving them easier. Also remember that you will have to worm any rabbit put in a tractor, especially if you have other animals, pet or wild that have access to the forage area. There are parasites almost everywhere and, a foraging rabbit will get them. You can loose rabbits to them if you don't worm them. Mine get Ivemectrin once a month from May through September if they are tractor rabbits.

If puppies and horses in your area need wormed regularly, so do tractor rabbits.
I'm with Grumpy - 2x4 wire will not cut it for overnight use. You need no less than 1/2" square hardware cloth to prevent nasty raccoon hands from getting in there. And my tractors also have bottoms. I don't ever want to have to chase a bunny down out in the pasture.

But, if it's just for a few hours with someone around-ish, it'll probably be fine.

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