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Nov 12, 2015
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South Dakota near the river.
For those who don't know, I'm on my 2nd herd of rabbits. I lost my first to pasturella. Furthermore, I went through 3 bucks with no kits (not knowing that my does were asymptomatic carriers that were infecting the bucks). The bucks were all unproven and the does very passive in breeding. I was always left wondering if anything really happened after breeding. Coming from a very reputable breeder, they were beautiful NZ whites. Prize winners in 4H circles. But no kits. Turn the page.

My new herd are Calis from a backyard meat producer. The buck is well-proven and about 2 1/2 years old. Being more experienced myself, I've kept my breed stock lean and healthy. Today, I bred a young doe to this proven buck.

Upgrade, my buck, knows his way around a lady rabbit.


Night and day. Valentine's Day is coming up, so I got my notebook out jotted some stuff down 'cause Upgrade is a lady's man and I'm not too cool for school. The lovely and gracious Mrs. Thriver came home from work and I was telling her about it and she was like :shock: "You're a little too into this story, husband."

For the doe's part, she lifted and her tail curled up over her back every time he got behind her, so mechanically it looks like all went well. It's her first attempt at mating and a litter, so there's plenty that can go wrong from here, but this is the best start I've had yet.

Fact is, I'm not a dirty old man who likes to watch rabbits. :popcorn: I'm just excited that something seems to be working. Let it be known that but for RabbitTalk.com, Upgrade would be dead because I would have put him in with my diseased NZ does. Today's success belongs to you all here as well. I would have given up without you. :)
So glad you didn't give up, SoDak Thriver!

There can be a very steep learning curve with rabbits, particularly if your first rabbits carry Pasteurella. And so many rabbits do, whether or not they exhibit symptoms.

Glad your breeding went well -- it sounds extremely promising! -- and I'm looking forward to an update in about a month's time. :D

Very pleased that the RT members were able to help you! We are blessed to have such a wonderful community here. ;)
SoDak Thriver. I'm not a dirty old man but I'd be dirty young liar if I told people that I didn't get a kick out of rabbits mating :lol: Plus you need to know for sure but mostly it's funny :lol: :lol:. Glad things are looking better for you! (Well is 38 still young :p )
Dwc77":2d7yrhjl said:
...but I'd be dirty young liar if I told people that I didn't get a kick out of rabbits mating :lol:

Ok, so Upgrade has this ju-jitsu move he pulls on a reluctant doe who has backed herself into a corner. He gets up on her, trying to lay in the space between the doe and the cage wall. Then he suddenly lifts all four feet up and spins his body 90 degrees so the doe slides away from the wall and he lands on his side on the wire. Another little push with his feet and the doe is back in play and he's in hot pursuit. He did this 4 times while the doe was just trying to sniff the hay a little and figure out what was going on.

It really was amazing to watch all that happen in his smaller winter cage (the cage is a little small for a rabbit his size, but it fits in the hutch and I let him out for exercise whenever the weather permits. He gets a bigger cage outside when snow isn't a factor). My other bucks, being unproven and unable to move the doe, would just hump on her side or "cuddle." My last NZ buck I swear just wanted to be friends.

Not Upgrade. :twisted:
Fact is, I'm not a dirty old man who likes to watch rabbits.

My husband still giggles like a little girl when I breed the rabbits, and I have to admit that it is amusing. All my bucks are grunters, and squealers. While in motion the boys will grunt non-stop, and when they've hit their mark, they will give out loud squeals. :lol:

My husband once said "Well at least males are all alike in THAT department." :mrgreen: :lol:
SoDak Thriver":1nj49mg9 said:
He gets up on her, trying to lay in the space between the doe and the cage wall. Then he suddenly lifts all four feet up and spins his body 90 degrees so the doe slides away from the wall and he lands on his side on the wire. Another little push with his feet and the doe is back in play and he's in hot pursuit.
That's brilliant! :lol: I've never had a buck come up with that move!
Dwc77":34m8nl41 said:
SoDak Thriver. I'm not a dirty old man but I'd be dirty young liar if I told people that I didn't get a kick out of rabbits mating :lol: Plus you need to know for sure but mostly it's funny :lol: :lol:. Glad things are looking better for you! (Well is 38 still young :p )

I agree. I just bred a couple of does a few days ago, and, as always, they didn't fail to put on an enjoyable show. I especially get a giggle from the male's response. It's like they are saying as they fall off, "Oh! My goodness! I DID it!"

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