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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
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We culled a big doe today that we haven't been able to get bred. Tried her 3 times with our best bucks, and nothing. We found this inside of her today, and figured this had to be the reason why. Is this a tumor?


1stpup (eldest son) has no idea but thinks it resembles guacamole and fat in general appearance, Borderpup (DD) thinks it is a tumor and wonders why it is green and asks where it was and it's true size, ColliePup (littlest Monkey- son) thinks it is due to disease, Woof (Hubs) thinks it's a"pregnancy gone bad", and MamaSheepdog (moi!) thinks it looks like mummified kits or a poorly cooked hard-boiled egg.

Overall, the general consensus is it is just plain gross.

Whatever it is, and where-ever it was, I think it was probably your culprit.
It was pretty much central, right within view when we opened her up, we didn't have to search for it. Guestimating.......it's about 2 1/2" - 3" from the top of the yellowish/green part to the bottom of that. It's actually quite large. Yes......it's gross! :shock: :sick:
I actually did just a few minutes ago. It kind of reminds me of opening a chicken gizzard, it opens up with a thick outer shell, and in the center is a brownish oblong part that rolled right out of it. Part of the brown is really gooey, and part hard. There was some pink in there too, but nothing that is recognizable to be much of anything other than a blob of gross! Nasty! :sick:
Is the muscle meat safe to eat? We didn't keep any organs from her.
Oh, for sure! She was a huge doe, and I'm sure she'll be quite tough, so in the crock pot she'll go for a nice long cook.

She was a nice solid meaty doe though, wow, would sure have loved to get some kits out of her. :( Surprisingly, I thought we'd find more fat in her for as big as she was, but it wasn't that bad, not what I expected anyway.
Ahhh....That should come with a warning. Just had breakfast. Sorry for your loss. I agree with Akane too. I did quite a bit of work with mice many years ago and every tumor I ever took out looked rather like cauliflower with its own network of blood vessels. Sometimes encapsulated, sometimes not, but always tissue looking and not oozy.
Sorry! :lol:

Forgot to mention.......I thought it was kind of odd that it didn't smell at all. I expected it to have some type of nasty odor, but it didn't really smell like anything. I suppose if it was an infection of sorts, it would have smelled, but then we would have seen a doe acting lethargic too, and she wasn't at all. She was very active, and eating like a pig!
Yeah, looks like some kind of encapsulated something...retained fetus, abcess, or some kind of cystic tumor. That WAS her uterus, was it not?