averydeadbird":38ta9zqv said:
I'm sorry to hear that you had so much trouble. It definitely takes practice. I had more success when I imagined the points of the X starting at the back edge of the base of the ear. The Bunny Rancher person I spoke to said: "The "X" envisioned on the head should use the back corner of the eyes as the distal ends and the back of the ears as the proximal ones." Also: "with the bolt pointing through the cranium towards the occipital bun or supraniac fossa." I had the bolt pointing too vertically when I first tried.
Thank you so much for replying! I did see that quote earlier, but the only part that was clear was the back corner of the eyes. The only references I find for occipital bun or suprainiac fossa are on humans.
Excuse me for being dense, but when you say "the back edge of the base of the ear", do you mean (1) the inside corner of the base of the ear, (2) the outside corner of the base of the ear, or (3) the middle of the base of the ear, in back? I was using the middle of the eye and (3), but that was what did not work.
I went back to the Bunny Rancher site (where I bought it,) and the larger Arbalest version I bought did not have instructions, but there is a small PDF on the small version page. That has a drawing of lines between the back corners of the eyes and what
might be the outside corners of the base of the ears. It also says the device has to be placed flat against the skull, which I did. It also says that it is necessary to apply firm downward pressure, and while I don't think it ever failed to penetrate, I wasn't applying much pressure, so it's possible that caused the problem. Yet it is the bigger version, and certainly blasted through the skull every time.
I should also mention that twitching or kicking legs was not the after-effect that was the concern. One out of the four was an instant kill, just as advertised. For the rest, no. They demonstrated breathing, heart beating, whimpering, gasping, standing up and screaming, and reacting to touching a paw. It was bad, which is why I want to be sure I get this right before trying it again.
The broomstick method (or Rabbit Wringer/Hopper Popper) at least renders the animal limp and unresponsive, even if it isn't as fast a kill. But I'd really like to use the CBG correctly, if it's as effective as people claim.
Again, thank you for responding!