Tricolor really "Fourcolors"?

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Jul 5, 2012
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]Hi, I am new to mini rex and new to tricolors. I bred a black-orange and white doe to a booted orange, chocolate and white buck. I got 2 nicely marked kits, one I think is a chocolate and orange and the other a orange and black tri. But now that they are 3 weeks old, I have noticed that the orange and black kit also has a couple of patches of "cream" in addition to black and orange. Its not a lighter orange, it more resembles the color on an otter, creamy yellow-white. Is it possible that a tricolor could also be an otter or what? Should I cull a rabbit like this from my stock? What about litter mates? I'll try to post a picture soon.

I can't seem to get my image size reduced. I have the picture in my gallery, but can't get it posted. Really frustrating. Sorry - I'll try again later.
Backintorabbits":tc91yryt said:
]Hi, I am new to mini rex and new to tricolors. I bred a black-orange and white doe to a booted orange, chocolate and white buck. I got 2 nicely marked kits, one I think is a chocolate and orange and the other a orange and black tri. But now that they are 3 weeks old, I have noticed that the orange and black kit also has a couple of patches of "cream" in addition to black and orange. Its not a lighter orange, it more resembles the color on an otter, creamy yellow-white. Is it possible that a tricolor could also be an otter or what? Should I cull a rabbit like this from my stock? What about litter mates? I'll try to post a picture soon.

If I can figure out how to insert an image - it there a tutorial?

What is the pedigree of the parents? In order to be an otter, one parent would have to have had an otter parent. Aat Agouti -A Otter-at

I'm wondering if the color you see is a result of a dilute gene somewhere? ... olors.html
Yes the tricolor could also be an otter. Is the cream color anywhere you would not expect it to be on an otter?

One of the parents does not need to be an otter to throw it. A normal tri is agouti which can hide otter. But this kit, if it is otter, should show the cream inside-of-the-ears and nostril/eye circle markings of an otter.

A self tri or torted tri is possible also. Does it look like tort and black rather than orange?
No otters in the pedigree. I can't see any of the cream color on the ears, eyes or behind ears. The spots are on the side, in splotches. The cream splotches, are few and not blended with another color or shaded. The orange spots (which are the majority) are only orange, and a bright beautiful orange color. It seems to have 3 colors of spots, black, orange and cream (almost a yellow cream). I am so annoyed about the pictures.... I will try to figure out how to compress them more tomorrow. It's not shaded like a tort, I used to keep torts and am pretty familiar with it and they don't seem to be torted. Ears not dark, no dark shading in the colored section, each spot appears to be a clear color, not shaded or smudged in any way.<br /><br />__________ Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:35 pm __________<br /><br />No otters in the pedigree. I can't see any of the cream color on the ears, eyes or behind ears. The spots are on the side, in splotches. The cream splotches, are few and not blended with another color or shaded. The orange spots (which are the majority) are only orange, and a bright beautiful orange color. It seems to have 3 colors of spots, black, orange and cream (almost a yellow cream). I am so annoyed about the pictures.... I will try to figure out how to compress them more tomorrow. It's not shaded like a tort, I used to keep torts and am pretty familiar with it and they don't seem to be torted. Ears not dark, no dark shading in the colored section, each spot appears to be a clear color, not shaded or smudged in any way.

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