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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2021
Reaction score
Indonesia, anambas
The 25th Day one of traveling to Germany.

At the time of write this we are on the ten hour ferry to Batam (7 hours in). The waves are quite big but I don’t get seasick easily and everyone else on the ferry aren’t to seasick ether. it’s quite boring. The only thing I can do is draw, read, sleep and look at the waves. All of which I ether have or did a lot of already but am still alive so it can’t be that bad lol. I will write more when we have arrived and have internet again. Turns out the ferry arrived 3 hours late and we probably slept at midnight .

The 26 day two

Not much have happened yet other then get in a swab in the nose and mouth :(. Me and my sister are getting our fill of bubble water and ice for the first time in a year(this is not completely true). We are going to have to take a one hour ferry and then a flight at 10 pm to Bangkok and then a other flight to Germany two days later. If anyone is in Germany near Rottweil then I would love to visit you and see your rabbits especially if you have argentes or silver foxs (two of my favorite breeds)

I will try to post every day from now on.
If anyone is in Germany near Rottweil then I would love to visit you and see your rabbits especially if you have argentes or silver foxs (two of my favorite breeds)
You might like this website - Alle Kaninchenrassen mit Beschreibung und Bild - – KANINCHENRASSEN.INFO
It shows all the recognised breeds in Germany.

The nearest thing to Argente is the Großsilver Hell [Large Silver, light] and Kleinsilber Hell [Small Silver, light]. Also the Champagne Silber. They don't have Silver Fox like the American breed, but they have the Weißgrannen, which is similar to the UK Silver Fox [USA Silver Marten].

There are a lot of breeds in Germany that aren't recognised by ARBA. Mecklenburg Schecken, Buirgunder, Wiener, Thuringer, Schwarzgrannen, Alaska, Sallander, Separator, Marburger Feh, Deilenaar, Blau Holicer, Rhonkaninchen, Perlfee, Sachsengold, Jamora, Genter Bartkaninchen...
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There’s so many different breeds and they are all in the standing pose.
Yes they pose all breeds like that in Germany. It's only ARBA that poses rabbits with the hand on the head. Most European countries stand them like that.
If anyone is in Germany near Rottweil then I would love to visit you and see your rabbits especially if you have argentes or silver foxs (two of my favorite breeds)

I will try to post every day from now on.
Thanks for sharing. It is interesting to hear about your travels and I look forward to hearing about any rabbits you encounter in Germany.

My brother just got back from a couple of years of study in Germany, though unfortunately he isn’t much interested in rabbits…..
After a 12 hour flight from Bangkok to frontfort we are now in germany and its cold 🥶. We are going to go on a train in a half a hour. I will update again when we arrive at my grandparents place.
Sorry for not saying anything I have been sick but I’m getting better. we will be going to the rabbit show soon.
We arrived at the end of the rabbit show so I didn’t take pictures. We are finally home. quarts (the last kit) is really big (around 2 pounds I think) and two of my does are pregnant and the third got bred this morning and even though we have one lest rabbit I’m happy.

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